Whether you're launching a startup, running a stable business, or just trying to make some extra income with a side hustle, apps can be crucial to your success. From building brand awareness and staying competitive to reaching your customers with great deals - apps are at the heart of connecting with your audience. Additionally, apps have revolutionized how consumers shop and make purchases.
That said, we're going to explore how apps are being used by your customers and how apps can put you on the winning side of doing business. We'll also explain how apps can improve your business revenue this quarter and into the future.
Provides Convenience to Customers
When you consider that online purchases are predominantly done on a smartphone via an app, you can then understand that an app for your business equates to more sales.
In fact, studies show that 76% of Americans use apps on their smartphones for online shopping. Apps are ultra-convenient for consumers, and it just makes sense for businesses to have this easy-to-use feature to stimulate revenue.
Increases Customer Engagement
As we established, most people shopping for your business's products or services are using their smartphones to do so. Therefore, apps are an effective way to keep your offerings in front of your customer's eyes.
An app should also get a customer involved with your brand, product, and offerings. Some of the Best amazon seller apps have been known to boost business revenue by up to 35%, according to Pew Research Centers. This is because it stimulates consumers to buy, it's conveniently accessed, and it also allows customers to engage more fully with your business brand.
Share Promotional Offers With Your Customers
The right app for your business should allow you to send push notifications. These are notifications that go directly to your customer's phones (if subscribed) and alert them of various promotions, sales, or discounts you may be offering.
Studies show that consumers are five times more likely to buy when they are aware of a promotion or a sale on a product they want. An app can also be a magnet for bargain-seekers or people who want to try your brand - but might only do so at a discounted price. Consequently, an app gives you advanced ways to announce your promotions, thus potentially increasing your sales and customer base.
Apps Provide Opportunities to Reward Customers
If you have an app for your business, you're potentially in all of your customer's pockets. That said, you have the opportunity to reward customers for their purchases and loyalty.
Reward-driven actions are hardwired into the human brain. Therefore, using a reward app to provide incentives for customers to return, repurchase, and engage more fully with your brand is a key way to increase business revenue.
Apps Encourage More Customer Loyalty and Trust
According to Inc. Magazine, over 30% of consumers are more likely to buy from a business that has an app than from those that do not have an app. We've mentioned apps make buying more convenient, but they apparently also build a business authority - making a business appear more capable of handling orders and fulfilling purchases for customers.
Because many apps also have sharing capabilities where consumers can leave and see reviews - this is also a loyalty-building feature that apps provide. Apps for businesses selling services or products online also exhibit a level of trust due to transparency. To explain, consumer perception of a business is largely based on ease of accessibility and the ability to see all the details about a company, and this can all be done through an app.
Furthermore, consumers are more likely to trust a brand if they have a personalized purchase experience, which apps can facilitate with "thank yous" and "we appreciate your business" or reward-based notifications.
Apps are not the way of the future. They are a reality today. If your business or side hustle needs a boost, then we hope these tips on how apps can improve your business revenue have convinced you to give apps a try. Ultimately, apps are incredibly easy and effective for both your consumers and your business. By having the power to stay lodged in your customer's attention span, apps can revolutionize your business revenue.