There is a lot of disagreement about whether the Metaverse, as it stands, is good for the planet and human civilization. On one hand, the advancements of technology have led to some amazing benefits and conveniences for humanity. However, on the other hand, there is a lot of concern about humans becoming entrenched in an intangible world. Whether you are interested in the future or are afraid of it, it's vital to pay attention to determine the best path forward. When it comes to the future, posterity, and success of humankind, one question is essential. Will the Metaverse lead to a better or worse world?
Benefits of Extended Reality
The Metaverse, as people began calling it after the formation of the company Meta, is really a function of extended reality (XR) technology. XR is an umbrella term for all the technologies that engage with both the digital and tangible worlds. For example, VR, or virtual reality, is the most popular. VR is used mostly for entertainment purposes nowadays, but it is the main function of being inside the Metaverse.
However, VR isn't the only extended reality technology. Augmented reality (AR) allows you to use XR technology in the real world. All kinds of great advancements have become possible with AR. One of the most life-changing tech advancements is the ability for doctors to perform remote surgeries and other procedures. Combining 5G internet with AR tech, all kinds of amazing medical tasks can be done by the most successful professionals around the world.
Mixed reality (MR) enables you to see beyond the confines of the physical situation as it stands. Incredible for design, MR helps you see outside the box and investigate the possibilities. As the Metaverse advances, so will these technologies that are already helping humans become healthier and happier.
The Question of Sustainability
The overall question of sustainability as it relates to the Metaverse is quite dynamic. Sustainability can refer to the idea of human posterity or the health of the planet. When it comes to sustainability for humans to live within the digital realm, that remains to be seen. We simply haven't spent enough time in the Metaverse to know that yet.
On the other hand, the sustainability of our planet is one of the largest concerns of modernity. Renewable energy is providing clean power, but we are also using more energy than we should be. The technologies of the Metaverse need energy. Cryptocurrencies are also being used in the Metaverse, which are sometimes mined. This takes an incredible amount of energy. Luckily, there are plenty of companies focused on environmental, social, and corporate governance, the ESG of cryptocurrency.
Metaverse Lifestyle
A huge consideration when it comes to whether the Metaverse will lead to a better world is the lifestyle of it. You can do just about everything you can in the real world in the digital Metaverse. You won't have as much physical engagement though. Not only is our physical health a concern, so is our mental and social health. In the Metaverse, you currently can't smell people or feel them. This will likely change, but it is a barrier that needs to be acknowledged. The brain's tricks aren't enough to provide everything that humans need.
The Results
With the Metaverse, we will be able to enter the digital realm instantly with eye glasses and contact eye lenses. These contact lenses already exist and have been used for AR purposes. Nearly all transactions in the Metaverse will be made with cryptocurrency. You will be able to start a business or a family in the digital world. You can attend concerts and comedy shows. The result of the Metaverse is a different world, but is it a better one?
So many people think the Metaverse will divorce us from our humanity, but we truly don't know that yet. There are all kinds of moving parts and dynamics to this technology so it's hard to predict what will happen. Furthermore, no one is forcing you to exist in the Metaverse. No one is forcing you to even try it. However, as time goes on and life moves more and more towards a digital existence, will it become compulsory? Is this good for human posterity and civilization? Time will tell.