An accurate and timely diagnosis is the cornerstone for finding the right treatment, preventing the development of fatal diseases, and in some cases, saving lives. Identifying a patient's hidden disease in time can be a tremendous challenge, especially when facing a rare condition. That's why the development of advanced technologies for diagnosis is a task of paramount importance.
Blood testing is a fundamental tool used by healthcare providers to gather vital information about their patients' health. However, traditional testing methods can be slow and expensive, with results taking up to a week to arrive due to shipping, laboratory capacity, test processing, and data sharing. In contrast, Point-of-care (POC) testing allows for diagnostic testing to be performed outside of a laboratory setting. Yet, historically, POC testing has not always delivered the sensitivity and specificity associated with laboratory analyzers. Truvian's revolutionary blood diagnostics platform integrates three critical testing modalities - clinical chemistry, immunoassay, and hematology - to provide a comprehensive wellness panel using a small blood sample right at the point of care, transforming the landscape of POC testing.
Truvian's groundbreaking three modality platform aims to decentralize blood testing by empowering consumers to have access to their health information to make informed decisions. Truvian's technology covers the 32 most common wellness blood tests, including a complete blood count with differential, comprehensive metabolic panel, lipid panel, hemoglobin A1c, and TSH. The TruAnalyzer uses advanced dry reagent technologies, consumables that can be stored at room temperature, and a novel technology to perform POC blood testing.
In a challenging high-stakes field, certain individuals are rising to the challenge by making meaningful contributions to the blood diagnostics industry. Clara Romero plays a critical role as an assay biomedical engineer at Truvian. Clara's main focus area is the development of the advanced TruAnalyzer platform playing a subject matter expert (SME) role for a module of the analyzer. In that capacity, Clara's work is highly multidisciplinary, including hardware development and testing, motion control, optical alignment, imaging device integration, and module stability. Additionally, Clara programmed and developed a system health QC to perform advanced optical testing for in-depth analysis of instrument performance in an automated fashion.
Aside from being a technical lead for a module of the TruAnalyzer, Clara also serves as the liaison of the systems integration for the hematology team. She develops protocols, analyzes data, and troubleshoots issues, all in support of assay development experimentation and integration. She also provides updates to department leaders about the statistics surrounding system performance and module stability.
Lastly, Clara is the project owner of a novel technology that ensures micron-precision motion control. Critical to Truvian's outcomes, this technology enables accurate cell imaging. This is particularly beneficial in the field of hematology, where accuracy and stability are crucial for obtaining high-quality images.
Clara's expertise has been instrumental in the development and improvement of the revolutionary 3-modality blood analyzer that Truvian is developing, making significant contributions to its design and integration of new consumables. Her exceptional analytical and troubleshooting skills have enabled her to identify and resolve issues related not only to the hematology module, but also other crucial technologies utilized in the organization. Clara's ability to work across multiple functions and troubleshoot complex issues has made her the preeminent technical hematology module expert at Truvian.
Joining a cutting-edge company like Truvian means putting your skills to the test immediately. The vital necessity of getting results along with business dynamics put a lot of pressure on team members. Clara shared that due to constantly working in a high-stakes situation, she learned more in the first few days in Truvian than most traditional onboarding approaches offer in a few weeks. According to her colleagues, Clara Romero played a central role in preparing the company's systems for a successful technical demonstration given to a team of expert engineers. She even fielded technical questions from these experts during their due diligence, which resulted in Truvian raising over $105 million.
From that point on, Clara's star continued to rise, as she showed her ability to perform above her level and take on ever more complex problems. In 2022, Clara was tasked with helping Truvian's business partner located in Melbourne, Australia, to set up the hardware production line. When the partner ran into difficulties with the assembly and optical alignment of the hematology module, Clara stepped in, transferring her knowledge to production staff. Upon completion, Clara developed a method to perform and assess alignment checks of the hematology module, a process she then trained less-experienced technical personnel to perform.
She is part of critical panels that deal with engineering issues across the organization and has been requested as a lead for numerous challenges that Truvian encounters on the way to launching a wellness panel that will revolutionize the blood testing industry. Clara has achieved distinction beyond what is ordinarily encountered in the tech industry and is a professional of outstanding abilities in the field of engineering and diagnostic product development.
Truvian has achieved outstanding results in the development of their products thanks to the contributions of talented individuals like Clara. Clara's dedication, expertise, and drive are a testament to what can be achieved with hard work, talent, and a passion for engineering. We can't wait to see what she accomplishes next!