If you spend some time on TikTok, you probably have heard the dance trend of people bopping when the phrase "Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale" is mentioned.

Like other TikTok trends, this popular meme/dance trend started in the most unexpected places.
Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale Origins and Meaning
The phrase originally came from the RPG game Genshin Impact, specifically in its Fontaine chapter.
Yes, you read it right. The meme came from Genshin Impact and blew out of proportion outside its fandom. The line was stated by the character Neuvillette, voiced by Ray Chase when judging the innocence of the people.
He often says something like, "According to the judgment of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale." In French, it means "Cardinal Mechanical Analytical Orator."
In the world of Genshin Impact, it is the device Neuvillette and the region's leader Furina use to convert people's belief in justice into an energy source.
The Fontaine Chapter was released in August.
Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale Meme
The dance started trending this November. YouTuber Gouse Gaming Gallery first posted a video compilation of all the times Neuvillete said the "Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale," gaining over 300,000 views.
Like other memes, TikToker @tourist.passing.through edited Neuvillete's line and added a beat whenever he mentioned the now iconic line. The video instantly gained more than two million views in less than a week.
It was only on Nov. 1 when the meme got out of the Genshin Impact niche when user @neuvllett posted a video of her dancing to audio edit of @tourist.passing.through whenever a line was said.
The video immediately gained over 2.4 million views in a single week. Many others soon followed. User @zuzi_przerwa gained more than 10 million views in just under seven days when they also followed the trend.
It did not take long before the Genshin Impact TikTok channel took on the trend. Even the Neuvillete's English voice actor, Chase, joined in.
The dance trend continues strong on TikTok and X (formerly Twitter) as other people have started noticing it.
Genshin Impact has previously reached popular consensus with some of its memes in the past but not on the same level of recognition as the "Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale" did.