Walmart, the world's largest retailer, is now enforcing sensory-friendly shopping hours which will run from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. every day in all U.S. and Puerto Rico branches.

Behind Walmart's Sensory-Friendly Shopping
According to Walmart, the decision was made after several feedback and requests from their customers. During the two-hour window frame, stores are operating in a less stimulating environment. The TV walls change to static images, the radio is turned off, and the lights are lowered where possible.
The sensory-friendly hours had a pilot test earlier this year and the company received positive feedback, marking its permanent comeback to all the stores, every single day. Several customers thanked the company stating that the little changes in the environment made a difference to their shopping experience.
"We have associates with Autism, ADHD, etc. in the store and one associate made the comment that this is the first time the company did something just for him," a Walmart store manager shared.
Sensory-Friendly Shopping Helps Walmart, Customers
Walmart acknowledged that the main idea of the project is to create a shopping experience that everyone will feel belong to. According to Forbes, sensory processing disorder affects 5% to 16% of school-aged children without any other condition. Meanwhile, it is commonly seen in people diagnosed with autism, ADHD, and more.
Retail stores are one of the places that are capable of overloading the senses of people, making it hard for them to shop. The sensory overload experience also transitions people to online shopping.
The move is expected to boost Walmart's brand reputation as seen by customers who have given positive reactions to the company's decision. Moreover, this will be a win-win situation for both Walmart and its customers, further establishing a long-term relationship.