Verizon Wireless fell for a fake arrest warrant from a pretend cop and disclosed the female victim's address to an armed stalker.

Verizon Got Tricked by a Stalker
The FBI investigated the case and revealed that the man, Robert Michael Glauner, and the victim had an online relationship through a website that has dating features. Although the victim ended the relationship, Glauner continued to pursue her by contacting her or trying to contact her.
The man managed to trick Verizon into disclosing sensitive information by sending an email and fake search warrant to the Security Assistance Team (VSAT) of the company. The email was sent using a Proton Mail address but the team failed to flag it as fraudulent.
The fake affidavit requested the victim's new phone number, outgoing and incoming call records, locations, and text messages. The Verizon website provided the information after reviewing the email.
Verizon Cooperates With Law Enforcement
According to Verizon's website, the VSAT only accepts valid legal demands such as subpoenas, court orders, or search warrants for records. Upon investigation, Glauner's search warrant was found to be not in proper format and does not have form AOC-CR-119, which is required in State of North Carolina warrants.
In addition, Glauner faked the signature of Superior Court Judge Gale Adams. He was also charged with stalking an ex-girlfriend by the Sand Diego Sheriff's Office.
Fortunately, Glauner was arrested upon arriving at the victim's house and was found in possession of a black folding razor blade knife.
As of writing, Verizon promised that the company is already cooperating with the authorities to settle the matter.
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