Two fandoms are debating whether the Greek demigod Percy Jackson or the wizard Harry Potter would win in a fight. This topic has already emerged before, but was fueled after "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" actor Walker Scobell said Percy would be triumphant. Let's break down their skills, shall we?
Percy Jackson

Even in the first few episodes that were released on Disney Plus, we already have a grasp of how powerful Percy can be. After all, he is a forbidden child, meaning that he is fathered by one of the big three: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.
Based on the title alone, which bears a trident, anyone who hasn't read the books can already tell that he is the child of the sea god. That means that Percy bears the powers that a child of Poseidon would have such as breathing under and manipulating water.
Furthermore, he already possesses what all the other demigods have, which is the innate skill of combat. If we're referring to Percy before the book series "Heroes of Olympus," then he bears the curse of Achilles, which makes him invulnerable.
As for flight, he has an animal companion, which is a pegasus named Blackjack. He can also talk to horses and any of its subspecies, making it easy for him and his pegasus to communicate. On top of that, he can heal himself using water from any source.
Harry Potter

Now moving on to "the boy who lived." Since we're pitting him against Percy after the book series, it's only fair that Harry would also fight him in his peak form. Obviously, Harry would have magic by his side, along with several spells he already knows by heart.
Through spells, he has access to many other skills like healing and teleporting. With magic, he can summon a broom that can fly him anywhere. Harry is not much for combat, but he doesn't really need it as long as he has his trusty want with him.
If Percy can talk to horses and other mythological sea creatures, Harry also has the ability to talk to snakes using Parseltongue. It wasn't mentioned if he lost that ability after Voldemort died since he could only speak it because he was a Horcrux. Let's not forget that he also has his cloak of invisibility.
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So Who Would Win?

It would be a long and tiring fight, for sure. While Percy has the skill to fight, he will need to get close to Harry in order to land some blows. We already know that the demigod is not very skilled with a bow and arrow. Harry can easily evade him by flying on his broom.
Yes, Percy has Blackjack, but Harry is also skilled with spells. He can "apparate" away from the situation and reappear where he has the advantage over Percy. Percy, on the other hand, has good instincts, as mentioned earlier, and he may be able to avoid any spells that are thrown at him.
It all boils down to location. Away from any body of water or any water at all, Harry might have the chance to beat Percy. All he has to do is cast a Petrificus Totalus spell and Percy will be rendered paralyzed, provided that he can aim faster than Percy can evade or block.
Even without a body of water, Percy can summon cyclones and earthquakes. Those can overwhelm any human being, even a wizard. Even if Harry apparates away from the whole situation, it can be considered as "losing" since he's running away from the fight.
So yes, Percy will likely win in a fight.