A career in big tech companies is a dream for many students top-notch businesses receive thousands of applications for internships every year.

It comes as no surprise that application screenings are exceptionally hard and rigorous as only a select few have the chance to be part of the company, at least for some time.
To help you with your internship journey, here are just some nifty ways to secure a position in the big tech companies as a student:
Collect Seminar Certificates
Companies are looking for people who are sure to accomplish any task given. Having acknowledgment for certain skills and knowledge is a big help to be noticed early in application.
While it is not uncommon to get an internship even without prior experience in the field, it is always better to be already familiar with the industry before applying.
That way internship supervisors are sure what task they can give and what to teach to new interns.
Recent trends show that acquiring certificates related to AI and learning machine development will be a great help to secure a good spot in these companies.
Get Recommendations from Professionals
Another way to prove an applicant's capabilities on the field is for another professional from the same industry to vouch for them.
Connections are important to secure a better position in a career. The same holds in internship applications as companies must find a way to guarantee the skills of their new hires even before starting.
If you are currently studying in college or university, there is no better chance to let professionals on the field know your capabilities as early as possible.
Prioritized Resume
On the technical side of things, a resume tailored to the company's requirements has more chance to be noticed than a generic one.
There are many guides and instructions online on how to streamline an applicant's resume even with minimal experience, highlighting their skills and knowledge rather than just experience alone.
It may mean making a new resume for each application, but is sure to teach student applicants in what field they need to improve more.
Regardless of current status and achievements, always try to apply as much as you can.
Requirements are more of the company's wish list for their future employees and not the only factor they decide on who deserves the position.