Set in Chicago, "The Bear" is a comedy and drama series that follows the story of an award-winning chef as he tries to navigate the chaotic sandwich shop of his late brother.
Although the series premiered in 2022, the second season of the series paved the way for it to become more popular globally.
During its first season, "The Bear" received 10 Primetime Emmy Awards. For the second season, the series won four Golden Globe Awards and six awards at the Emmys.
While the third season could be months away, this could be the right time for intrigued viewers to binge-watch and catch up with the story.
Before you get the fear of missing out on the hottest series, here are some reasons why you should start streaming "The Bear" right now:
Realistic Human Narrative
Although "The Bear" mainly highlights the protagonist Carmy, the series never fails to string along the stories of other crew members. Most of them are struggling with their family members while some of them are facing personal growth problems.
What makes the series attention-grabbing is that it has the power to narrate these stories realistically. Each character is faced with their battles and they try to navigate life while they try to build The Bear.
Complex Yet Raw Characters
All characters have their own complexity. For instance, when Syd arrived on stage at the sandwich shop all of the crew were hesitant to follow her orders. Likewise, even Carmy had a hard time teaching the crew the correct way of handling the orders.
Despite their complexity, "The Bear" characters are often portrayed as raw and it helped that the actors playing the roles are so impressive in getting into their character. Carmy, Syd, and Richie had their moments of mental breakdown which highlights their personal feelings.
Food for the Eyes
Since the series is based on running a restaurant, there is no doubt that there will be no food montage in each episode. Food enthusiasts will surely enjoy watching how each recipe is made.
There are also times when Carmy would discuss the whole process of making a recipe. If you are into pastries, then "The Bear" also has a portion for bakers. Needless to say, it is not safe to watch the show when you are hungry.
Accurate Portrayal of Food Industry
One of the most lauded aspects of the series is its accurate portrayal of the food industry, especially in running a restaurant. The show does not sugarcoat the industry as easy or mellow, instead, the director is keen on reflecting how stressful the environment is.
Regardless, many food enthusiasts and even chefs are amused by the accurate portrayal. For reference, you should observe episode seven of season one wherein the whole episode was shot in one take only, highlighting the immense pressure of everyday life behind the counter.
Overall Story Direction
Overall, the story direction of "The Bear" is just chef's kiss. From the weird combination of comedy to drama and romance to the impressive portrayal of the actors, this series has it all.
The first two seasons of "The Bear" are currently available to stream on Hulu and Disney Plus. Some of the episodes are either one hour long or as short as 20 minutes.