Getting the word out to the surrounding community is essential to any organization. ARC (Association of Related Churches) says this also applies to churches, as spreading their message of Jesus is important so they can positively affect more people's lives.
According to ARC, churches can market their offerings to the community using specific strategies depending on where they are in their church-launch process. For instance, pre-launch marketing should often look quite different than post-launch marketing—though there are certainly some similarities as well.
Using the tips below from ARC, church pastors can increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.
Tell People's Stories
Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of marketing, and it still applies today. Telling stories makes it easier for people to relate to the message you're trying to convey.
No matter what launch stage your church is in, storytelling is a very effective marketing strategy. It's important to tell stories of how your church's work has affected individual people in the community.
It's even better to have those who benefited from your work tell the story in their own words. This type of first-person storytelling is effective for getting others to see the great work you're doing in the community.
You can share these stories via text or video on your website, email newsletters, social media pages, and even in fliers posted at your church.
Build Your Online Presence
Your online presence is vital for all organizations, including churches, in the post-pandemic world. Today, people are used to doing plenty of online research before making a purchasing decision.
The same goes for when they're deciding on whether or not they want to join a church. As such, ARC (Association of Related Churches) says that a church's online presence is essential in attracting new members.
This means that your website and your social media pages need to be up-to-date and accurately reflect who you are, what you do, and why you do it. People will scour through all your digital channels before deciding to attend a service or volunteer at an event you're organizing.
Why? Because they want to make sure that your church is legitimate and that your goals align with theirs.
Create a Strategy
Marketing is so crucial in today's world that you can't just treat it as a side offering. You need to make it an integral part of your business plan.
This means that all pastors need to create a well-thought-out marketing strategy. It should detail, among other things, the messages you want to convey, who you want to share them with, how you will convey them, and where.
As ARC (Association of Related Churches) explains, it is helpful to gather a team of helpers at your church to help you with this marketing plan, assigning specific tasks to each member. Then, devise a plan for how you will track the success of your outreach efforts.
By approaching marketing this way, your church can be successful at reaching more people with the message of Jesus.
About ARC (Association of Related Churches)
ARC (Association of Related Churches) represents a collaborative network comprising independent congregations from various denominations, networks, and backgrounds. Its primary mission is to provide essential support and resources to church planters and pastors, enabling them to share the teachings of Jesus effectively. ARC's operational approach revolves around empowering and equipping church leaders, fostering the widespread dissemination of the life-changing message of Jesus. Established in 2000, ARC has evolved into a worldwide entity and has played a pivotal role in facilitating the establishment of over 1,000 new churches.