Of all the Terminids types in Helldivers 2, there are probably a couple on top of your list before the Bile Titan when it comes to being a pain in behind. Stalkers, for instance, can creep up on you at the most inconvenient time. Regardless, Bile Titans are still the hardest to kill among all of them, so here are a few tips that could help you out.

Surviving the Bile Titan
There are two things you need to avoid when facing the enormous bug. One is the ranged acid attacks, which will kill you in an instant. That's easily avoidable by either jumping out of the way in time or keeping away from its line of sight.
The second would be its long and armored legs. One hit and it could immediately kill you as well. Even if you do survive it, you might not live after being flung into the distance and sustaining damage from impact.
Keep moving around the insect and keep your distance if you can. All the support weapons and stratagems you can use can be unleashed from afar, so you don't really need to risk your life to land a fatal shot. You could also play the role of bait while your team tries to kill it.
Finding the Weak Spots
Like other armored Terminids, the Bile Titan has a couple of weak spots you can target to weaken and eventually kill it. One of its weaknesses is its head and mouth, so you'll do a lot of damage targeting that with powerful support weapons.
However, that might put you at risk of bathing in Terminid acid. There's also the underbelly, although that might be harder to target and you'll have to get up close or under it to get a good shot. That could also lead to you being crushed by it.
Just watch out for any green spots on the Bile Titan's body. Those are also considered as weak points. You're just going to have to aim well to hit them since the bug will be moving around a lot. Some players even noticed that they move a little faster now.
Using the Right Weapons and Stratagems
There are a lot of support weapons that can deal massive damage to kill the Bile Titan faster, and the same goes for certain Orbital Strikes or Eagle Bombs. You need to choose the right stratagems to equip before you start the mission.
Your best bet would be Orbital Strikes, particularly the Orbital Railgun and the Orbital Laser. Some Bile Titans go down after the former, while others need another strike from the latter to be defeated. It's unclear why that is.

These are the best options since they have automatic targeting. If those weren't enough to kill the Bile Titan, you can also use Eagle Strikes like the Eagle Cluster Bomb, but the Eagle 500kg Bomb would do a lot more damage. You're going to have to time and aim your throw for it to work.
You can also use support weapons to shoot the final shot that will finally kill the Titan. While the Autocannon is also armor-piercing, you would be better off using the Expendable Anti-Tank or the Recoilless Rifle.