Certain games allow playable characters to equip armor that varies in statistics. While some are preferred based on what they can do for the players, they aren't always cosmetically pleasing, which is where transmogrification comes in. Unfortunately, that won't be an option in Helldivers 2.

No Transmog System in Helldivers 2
Like many other games, Helldivers 2 offers several options for amor, all of which come with their own perks like added slots for grenades and stims, or a boost in other abilities like throwing range. However, the appearance of the armor may not always suit the taste of the player.
For instance, you might need the extra stims but don't want to look like a medic, and instead wear the epic black and red armor from the Democratic Detonation warbond. Well, that's not going to happen any time soon as the game's head believes there's no point in it.
Arrowhead Games Studios CEO Johan Pilestedt already confirmed that a transmog system is never going to happen for the game. The announcement was in response to a fan suggesting the cosmetic change option, as mentioned in PC Gamer.
Pilestedt said that it doesn't make sense since "equipment looks different because it has different effects. Swapping one for the other is like having an apple that tastes like bacon or the other way around." Regardless, it's understandable why players might want the feature.
The armor options from the game have different colorways, and they often come in sets that match pieces such as the helmet, the armor, and the cape. It can be an eyesore for some who want every single thing to match but have yet to obtain the appropriate parts.
While it doesn't make sense to add a transmog system, it won't harm the gameplay either. Since Helldivers 2 is a PvE game, players won't have to discern which perks others have to counter them, and it will make a lot of players happy to be able to look however they want without affecting stats.
Some argue that it doesn't matter since players are wearing their blood and enemies anyway most of the time, while others say that the option to change armor color would be good enough instead of a full-on transmogrification.
The Latest Purchasbale Warbond

Speaking of looking fashionable, spreading managed democracy across the galaxy has become explosive since the latest purchasable warbond was introduced in Helldivers 2. On April 11th, Democratic Detonation was released.
The new Premium warbond after Cutting Edge comes with three armor sets you can unlock with medals, along with weapons that come with explosive damage. The warbond is a welcome addition to those with playstyles that involve a lot of grenades and heavy-hitting support weapons.
For instance, one of the primary weapons included in the warbond called the R-36 Eruptor shoots explosive ammunition capable of killing weaker armored bugs and sealing bug holes, which pairs well with secondary and support weapons with higher fire rates. It also does the job against certain Automaton enemies.