All streaming services come with their own features that fit the content they provide. It makes for a better experience for the user and encourages more subscribers to join. Unfortunately, some are overlooked or not used enough. As for Spotify, here are features you should take advantage of.

1. AI-Powered DJ
In case you haven't heard, Spotify added a new DJ feature that hosts a listening experience based on your play history. It uses OpenAI's generative AI technology and uses a dynamic AI voice based on Xavier "X" Jernigan, Spotify's Head of Cultural Partnerships.
You can find the DJ through your Music Feed. Tap on the DJ card and it will automatically play songs for you. There will be sets of fives, and the theme will be random such as new music based on your tastes, artists you already listen to, or music you haven't played in a while.
2. Lyrics
With YouTube, you can always just add the word "lyrics" at the end of the song title and a fan-made video would come up. Even in the comment section, there's always a helpful lad who would write down the lyrics for readers to sing along to.
Spotify doesn't have that, but it doesn't need to since it already provides lyrics by partnering with Musicxmatch. If you're ever listening to an artist and can't exactly understand what they're saying, you can always scroll up and find the lyrics just under the music player buttons.
3. Live Events Feed
There's nothing like seeing your favorite artists perform live, but you might not always know when they're holding a concert in your hometown. You can now view their tour schedule through Spotify's Live Events Feed, which shows over 840,000 concerts.
You can even press "Interested" if you intend to go. Spotify also added ticket offers into the "Now Playing" view to make it easier to purchase one. Select artists have their merchandise on display through the app as well, so you can browse now and buy them later.
4. Countdown Pages
Now that Spotify has audiobooks as well, music listeners and book lovers can look to the feature Countdown Pages to see how long before a new release is published. The countdown will show the countdown right to the second.
This allows listeners to pre-save content on their account so that they won't miss the content as soon as it's released. According to Spotify, about 70% of those who add albums to their pre-save list listen to them within the first week.
5. AI Playlist
It can be a pain to manually add songs to a playlist, especially if you have a lot of titles in mind for one playlist, and you likely aim to create more than one. As of April 7th, the AI Playlist feature is already in beta, and select countries already have access to it.
All you have to do is enter a prompt as you would with a chatbot describing what kind of playlist you want. You can be specific like "EDM songs from 2024," or explain a scene such as "a sunny playlist you would blast during summer by the beach."