Hackers Target TikTok Accounts of CNN, Paris Hilton, Sony via DM

Hackers on TikTok have compromised several official accounts of CNN, Paris Hilton, and Sony after receiving malware through direct messages on the app.

According to the reports, the hack is called a "zero-day" attack which refers to the hackers taking advantage of a vulnerability before developers can prevent it.

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(Photo : Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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TikTok Confirms Risk Among High-Profile Accounts

In a statement, TikTok announced that a "very small" number of accounts were found compromised during the attack. However, the company did not disclose the specific number and other details about the situation.

The company also acknowledged that its security team is already aware of the potential exploit. Reports have shown that the malware was transmitted through DMs on the app. The affected accounts have reportedly opened the message.

As of writing, TikTok assured the public that they are cooperating directly with the account owners to restore access if needed. The company also promised an enhanced security measure to safeguard accounts like CNN.

TikTok Suffers Hacking Incidents

This is not the first time that the popular social media platform has been hacked. TikTok was hacked multiple times, including the Turkey incident wherein nearly 700,000 accounts were compromised.

CNN was forced to take down the account for several days after being hacked. Currently, TikTok is working closely with the network to provide the backend additional cybersecurity measures.

As of writing, there is no clear indication of how the hacked accounts were affected by the malware. The DM received by the accounts did not require any action from the receiver aside from opening the message. Hackers are not also posting new content.

"We have taken measures to stop this attack and prevent it from happening in the future," said Alex Haurek, TikTok spokesperson.

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