A TV will get a lot less interesting if it has no conflict, and that conflict is usually caused by an individual or a group whose ideals are questionable if not evil. You'll notice how good shows tend to have well-written antagonists, so much so that people would watch if they had their own show. Here are some characters that fit in that category.
1. Negan from 'The Walking Dead'

At the beginning of the show, it was clear that zombies or "walkers" were the main enemy, but as it progressed, the main characters found that humans could be just as dangerous. Negan is among the people who set an example of how true that can be.
And yes, he did redeem himself and eventually became an important part of the "good guys," which is why a prequel to "The Walking Dead" centering on the bat-swinging antagonist would make more sense.
You can watch the show on Disney+
2. Gustavo Fring from 'Breaking Bad'

One of the characteristics a good villain often has is wit, and Gustavo Fring's calculating nature is what got him to where he was, which was a drug lord that inspired both loyalty and fear. Giancarlo Esposito's performance with the character is one that's not easy to forget.
In a fictional universe where the main character is already considered to be a villain himself, you'll have to be a bit more extra to say: "You have yet to see what being a mastermind criminal truly means."
You can watch the show on Netflix
3. The Night King from 'Game of Thrones'

We always saw the Night King as one of the many, many antagonists in "Game of Thrones," because his goal was to wipe out humanity. We saw a short glimpse of how he came to be what he was, but there's not much to go on after that.
Creating a more fleshed-out series about him could add more flair to his world-ending goal. Creators can start with the moment he transformed. It won't be the first time that a spin-off was made from the base show.
You can watch the show on Max
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4. Katherine Pierce from 'The Vampire Diaries'

The supernatural show has had a lot of villains go by after every season. One of the most remarkable ones, the oldest vampire family, even had its own spin-off called "The Originals," but one particularly cunning antagonist was overlooked.
Katherine Pierce, Elena Gilbert's cold and evil doppelganger managed to evade the Original family. She lied, cheated, and manipulated her way into survival as she always put herself first. Someone who managed to live for over a hundred years while being hunted by the most powerful being deserves her own spotlight.
You can watch the show on Prime Video
5. Azula from 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'

Azula may be born into power, but it can only do so much if one isn't born with the skill and intelligence she has. Even though she was just 14 years old when she was first introduced in the show, she was among the most feared people in the Fire Nation.
She has already proven that she can defend herself and survive even without her firebending during the solar eclipse, and she managed to infiltrate the Earth Kingdom when her uncle failed to do so for years. Azula in her prime is a formidable opponent, even for the Avatar.
You can watch the show on Netflix
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