Pro-Nuclear Energy Bill Passes Congress, Now Waits for Biden's Approval

A new pro-nuclear energy bill has passed Congress as the US continues to roll out major climate-related legislation under US President Joe Biden's administration.

With an 88 to 2 vote, the proposed Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act was passed on Tuesday to modernize "outdated" nuclear energy rules and support development for new "next-generation reactor technologies."

Pro-Nuclear Energy Bill Passes Congress, Now Waits for Biden's Approval

(Photo : Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images)

The bipartisan bill is also expected to cut regulatory costs for companies seeking to license nuclear reactor technologies, potentially resolving the decades-old problem of growing costs and permit requirements in building new nuclear power facilities.

This will be in addition to incentives to further encourage companies to revive former fossil fuel generator sites into clean energy facilities amid current slowdowns in the phaseout.

Also Read: US Slows Down Phaseout of Coal-Powered Plants Amid AI Demands Surge

Nuclear Safety Groups Oppose ADVANCE Act

Nuclear safety advocates like the Union of Concerned Scientists, however, expressed concerns about the bill's passing, claiming that lax regulations could weaken "safety and security oversight across the board."

The non-profit group even accused the law of making a "nuclear accident like Fukushima more likely in the US."

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant was damaged after a tsunami hit Japan during the 9.1 magnitude earthquake in 2011, forcing all residents in the nearby areas to be relocated permanently.

Studies have indicated that such could have been "preventable" as regulatory rules and preparedness against natural disasters like tsunamis "lagged behind international standards."

Similar worries are now surfacing as the administration fastens clean energy laws to reach the 50-52 percent reduction economy-wide net greenhouse gas pollution by 2030.

Biden Admin Rolls Out Sweeping Changes Towards Clean Energy

The proposed ADVANCE Act is touted as part of the sweeping laws passed under the Biden administration intended to reduce air pollution in the US since its peak in 2005.

Among the legislations pushed is the reduction in carbon emission on highways with the transition towards zero-carbon emission vehicles like electric cars and the $369 billion climate investment pledge.

Despite the administration's push against climate change, several states, particularly Florida, have since walked back on environmental efforts to prioritize the fossil fuel industry in their states.

Related Article: Florida Rolls Back on Climate Change Actions Despite Heat Waves Threat

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