Lost Your Remote Control Again? Here Are 6 Ways to Prevent That

A lot of the devices we use now have remote controls so we don't have to get up when we use them. However, with the size of remotes, it's easy enough to lose them especially if you mindlessly set them down once you're finished using them. Luckily for you, there are a couple of ways to prevent that.

TV Remote

(Photo : Getty Images)

1. Purchase a Remote Rack

There are plenty of remote racks or containers in online stores and you'll have your pick of them. You can even choose products that would match your room's interior so it won't look out of place. They don't even cost a lot. All that's left to do is to have the discipline to place the remote control on the container once you're done using it so you won't misplace it again.

2. Use a Remote App for TVs

There are a couple of remote apps that work on certain TVs. The only problem is that not all TVs can respond, and it sometimes depends on the brand. You can always try out a few other apps to see which works. Just be careful since there are fake apps that might contain malware. If the app asks permission to access your files or camera, delete it right away.

3. Use a Smart App

Brands like Samsung come with apps like SmartThings that serve as a hub for all your smart devices. You can determine whether the app will communicate with your appliance or device by looking through the listed eligible devices and brands on the app itself. It can range from TVs to LED lights. Since you'll likely have your phone with you all the time, it will be more convenient to use.

4. Attach a Tracker

If you prefer having a designated remote for your devices and appliances and can't seem to train yourself to store it in one place, you can always attach a tracker to the remote control. There are models that can be tracked using apps, and some would even emit a sound so you can just follow where it is specifically. 

Read Also: 8 Smart TV Functions That You Should Take Advantages Of

5. Use a Smart Speaker

This might be a better alternative if you don't want to use your phone to control your devices and appliances, especially since you can do so hand-free. The only downside to this is that you will need smart appliances for it to work, and it needs to be compatible with your smart speaker of choice. However, when everything is sorted out, you'll have a much easier way to control everything.

6. Tether It

Tethering your remote control is the easiest way to keep it from being misplaced. It won't cost you a penny since you can do so with any string you have lying around. You can tie it to the topmost part of a table leg or anywhere near the area where you always use it. Of course, it might not look pretty, but it beats having to get up to control your electronics. 

Related: This Puck-Like Remote Lets You Control Your Smart Home

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