5 Ways to Reduce Exposure on Political, Election Disinformation Online

The 2024 Elections are already in full swing as social and online platforms have once again become the host for all sorts of political disinformation.

With generative AI powering online conspiracies, rumors, and slanders, it is high time to employ some methods to reduce exposure to disinformation content.

5 Ways to Reduce Exposure on Political, Election Disinformation Online
Alona Horkova/Getty Images

Report 'Fake News' Peddlers

Reporting accounts sharing disinformation remains the most effective way to reduce exposure to "fake news" and political misinformation on the timeline.

Not only does it help social platforms curate better content to you, but it also ensures others would also be spared from seeing disinformation as most reported misinformation posts are punished with reduced visibility and notable warnings.

Block Keywords

Another effective method is to block certain keywords that are heavily associated with disinformation.

"Fake news" peddlers and conspiracy theorists are already using certain keywords as "dog whistle" to fellow supporters while keeping outsiders relatively unaware.

Users just need to look for these certain "dog whistle" words to keep away from online rabbit holes filled with lies, misinformation, and propaganda.

Adjust Accounts Being Followed

While most social media platforms have transitioned to an algorithm-based content recommendation rather than just showing posts from people's followed accounts, adjusting your account's following could still affect your feed in one way or another.

Sticking to accounts you are sure to provide credible information could help the algorithm provide similar accounts, reducing the risk of encountering posts that promote suspicious information.

Use Adblockers

For those who are still using X (formerly Twitter) and Meta-owned platforms, it is more common to encounter disinformation through paid advertisements highlighted in users' feeds.

The best solution for this is to either manually block each of these advertisers or use automatic adblockers to prevent engaging with "fake news" spreaders.

This also helps reduce any potential monetization the account may receive through other accounts' engagements with the post.

Keep Out of Political Fan Spaces

While private spaces do not inherently promote disinformation online, political groups and forum spaces are more prone to misinformation due to certain biases.

As most of the posts remain private or kept within close circles, online platforms have limited capabilities in managing what type of content is being shared within these digital spaces.

Keeping out of these certain political spaces is more beneficial than trying to discern the truth from the false.

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