Instagram announced that it is working with the Center for Open Science (COS) to select researchers that would study the effects of the platform on teens' mental health.
The researchers will gain access to the social media platform's data for up to six months which could help produce significant independent studies.

Instagram, COS Launches Request for Proposals
In a press release, COS opened a request for proposals for a new pilot program designed to support the study of social media use and well-being. The partnership aims to produce more research on the topic due to the increasing mental health concerns related to social media exposure.
"We hope the results researchers produce will lead to a clearer understanding of the many factors impacting teens today so that society can come together to find productive solutions," said Curtiss Cobb, vice president of research at Meta.
Researchers will be given access to Instagram's extensive pool of data. This includes details like how many accounts a teen follows, how much time they spend on the platform, account settings, and more.
Meta assured that it will not disclose the user's demographic details, post content, comments, and messages to protect its users' privacy.
Instagram, COS Seek More Research on Social Media's Effect
According to COS, the pilot program will entertain studies focusing on one or more of the required research areas. This includes the investigation of potential positive and negative effects of Instagram use on the emotional health of teens.
Comparison in terms of national or regional areas is also considered. Studies could also focus on the social, cultural, and contextual understanding of social media exposure. Observed associations and explanations are also encouraged to be studied.
The proposals will follow the Registered Reports publishing model, allowing them to undergo peer review on research questions and methodologies before data collection. This method will ensure transparency and reduction of publication bias.
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