Collaborative AI Workers Expected to Arrive by 2025, Capgemini Predicts

Collaborative AI models are expected to become possible by 2025 through a multi-agent AI system, as per technology services giant Capgemini.

The rise of multi-agent AI systems will soon allow companies to develop models that are capable of working together to solve more complex tasks in the future.

ai artificial intelligence in robotic hand.

(Photo : iuriimotov on Freepik)

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Capgemini Predicts Collaborative AI's Rise in 2025

Capgemini's CEO Pascal Brier revealed that several companies are already in talks about multi-agent AI systems. He also added that consumers might start seeing these models manifest by next year.

The company defined the new technology as "designed to function independently, plan, reflect, pursue higher-level goals, and execute complex workflows with minimal or limited direct human oversight." The new models will be able to complete a series of tasks on behalf of their human counterparts.

Brier also reported that the U.S. is leading the innovation when it comes to AI. On the contrary, Europe is still trying to catch up with the pace.

Capgemini Reveals AI Companies' Next Moves

In a new study called "Harnessing the Value of Generative AI," around 82% of the surveyed companies shared their intention to utilize AI agents within the span of one to three years. Meanwhile, only 7% stated that they have no plans yet for the new technology.

The research surveyed over 1,100 companies that currently hold revenues of $1 billion and more. The study could be a hint into the next step of leading AI companies like OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, and more.

The multi-agent AI systems are capable of understanding, interpreting, and acting independently. They bear advancements from the existing conventional AI systems that function through prompts, showing their potential to replace human workers.

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