Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Holds Meeting Regarding Alleged Bias

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, held a meeting on Wednesday afternoon at the Facebook headquarters to address the recent allegations that the social media giant is filtering conservative-related news on Facebook user's feed. The recent controversy came to light after the recent report from Gizmodo.

The high-profile accusation gained its weight when reported former Facebook workers, which primarily composed of former "news creators" of the social media giant.

Zuckerberg mentioned in his Facebook post that his company "continues to be a platform for all ideas across the political spectrum." He neither denied nor confirmed the allegation as mentioned earlier, but were reported to listen mainly to the prominent conservative, influential attendees.

One of the conservative commentator attendees was S.E. Cupp. In one of Cupp's tweets, she wrote, "Very productive meeting at @Facebook with Mark and team. Strong commitments to address issues, as well as to work together on common goals."

Zuckerberg reiterated that they are aware that some conservatives are reluctant to hand their trust to Facebook's content platform without political bias.

The meeting may not have resulted in a final solution, but both camps agreed that it is a step in progress to address the problem. Another conservative attendee, Kristen Soltis, commented that the meeting was "civil but frank," according to CNN Money.

The initial report that started the inquiry claims that several former Facebook employees were instructed to manipulate artificially the news feed that reaches its users that resulted in fewer conservative news stories to show up, despite the website's trending news module.

It is also mentioned that the former employees, all of whom worked on a contractual basis, were also instructed to filter out any news regarding Facebook itself in the trending section of the website.

Facebook is veering towards a prominent source of news as it boasts 1.65 billion active users, many of which mainly relies on social media to keep up with current events. The allegation of biased content handling directly contradicts the website's support of free speech.

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