This 4th-grade teacher in Chicago might just have created a whole new rap category when he made this video.
Most teachers would start off the year by orienting students using pages of a syllabus, but first year science teacher Dwayne Reed just created his own version of introducing his students from Jane Stenson Elementary in Skokie to the new school year with a funky rap song with accompanying video he called 'Welcome to the 4th Grade."
The talented teacher's song has rhymes like, "I'll always greet you with a smile/I'll always try to make the lessons worthwhile/We'll study mathematics, division and addin/ And don't forget fractions, we're gonna have a good time."
If the rap video is any indication, Dwayne Reed's students will be in for a fun and exciting year.
He was quoted saying in an interview with NBC Chicago, "I wanted a cool way to introduce myself to the students and the parents I was gonna have, I think I'm somewhat gifted at music, It's simply a way for me to try to connect with my students."
Seems like this teacher has connected with more than just students as evident with the Reddit users who shared his rap videos and asked for school supplies donation to Reed's school.
Teacher Dwayne said that a lot of students in his school are from low-income families and basic school supplies like notepads, pens, and paper will greatly help his students in their education. He also plans to continue using music to aid his students in their lessons.
The 'Welcome to the 4th Grade' rap video posted by YouTube user Ty Gotham has since garnered 259,428 views. Reed was already contacted by Ellen De Generes and was also featured on Good Morning America.
Ellen DeGeneres just hit me up.
Look at God.