By now, we all have heard about Oprah's latest foray into television which will be called "Queen Sugar". Many of us will be tuning in with anticipation to what the Media scion has up her sleeve. So before you grab those chips and zone out to that boob tube, here are some of the things we know so far about Oprah Winfrey's new show, "Queen Sugar."
From LA to NYC. The #QueenSugar cast went all out in the big apple
A photo posted by Queen Sugar (@queensugarown) on Sep 2, 2016 at 2:13pm PDT
According to The Guardian, the show will be a family soap drama about three estranged siblings who inherits the family sugarcane farm after their father dies. The show would follow as the three try to cope with their own problems while trying to keep the farm from going under.
The cast of "Queen Sugar" is listed by Heavy as follows:
Rutina Wesley (Tara Thornton of "True blood") as Nova Bordelon- Apparently this character is a reporter, activist, and herbalist all rolled into one. She and her siblings are the current heirs to the family's sugarcane farm.
Dawn-Lyen Gardner as Charley Bardelon West- She will run the sugarcane farm along with her siblings
Kofi Siriboe ("Straight Outta Compton") as Ralph Angel Bordelon- Ralph is a recently incarcerated man who will rejoin the family with a six-year-old son.
Nicholas L. Ashe as Micah West- The son of Charley and Davis West
Omar J. Dorsey as Hollywood Desonier- Violet Bordelon's lover
Timon Kyle Durrett as David West- Husband of Charley Bardelon
Tina Lifford as Violet Bordelon- Aunt of Nova, Charley, and Ralph.
Reports indicate that Oprah herself was supposed to make an appearance in her new show (She is credited as Executive producer) but pulled out for unknown reasons. Oh well, fingers crossed she finally makes an appearance for season 2. Next question is if you would love it? Well early reviews by CNN have been on the positive side saying,
"The three episodes made available to critics are merely enough to garner a taste of where the series is heading, but in those hours the show nicely defines its characters and sets up hurdles for them that seem promising."
Queen sugar will make it TV debut on Sept. 6-7 on OWN.