The first "Jackie" movie trailer was recently unveiled with Natalie Portman, the Oscar-winning actress playing the role of the late Jackie Kennedy, wife of the late and famous 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy.
The Movie Teaser is Stunning As It Is Haunting
The "Jackie" movie teaser is both stunning and haunting as it gives viewers several clips of the movie from her happy days in the White House to the moving scenes on the airplane after her husband's assassination.
This movie is somewhat expected by many. Finally, someone has come up with a biopic of the former US first lady Jacqueline Kennedy. And the honor of portraying the role fell to Natalie Portman. Even now, some have predicted that she may well win her second Oscar for her performance in this "Jackie" movie.
The "Jackie" Movie Earned Raves In Venice
The film premiered in the Venice Film Festival last month and it instantly wowed the critics. With the showing of its first "Jackie" movie trailer, viewers will now understand why it is earning the raves of critics around the world.
The movie was directed by Pablo Larrain, a filmmaker from Chile. It features flashbacks from Jackie's life, focusing on the legendary "Camelot" days that she enjoyed with her husband in the White House.
The Film Showed Happy and Terrible Days
The film also has scenes with her young children and also that fateful day in 1963, when her husband was shot during a presidential motorcade in Dallas, Texas.
The "Jackie" movie trailer is light on dialogue and the director used a cut from the recording of the voice of Richard Burton singing the original Broadway Musical "Camelot."
"People like to believe in fairy tales. Don't let it be forgot that for one brief, shining moment, there was Camelot," the song goes. The "Jackie" movie opens on Dec. 2, in limited theaters.