The fans of hit animated series "Rick and Morty" are eager to see the new season. The TV cartoon which gathered a huge number of viewers due to the witty and sometimes offensive inside jokes are widely speculated to be released by December this year, which is earlier than what was previously expected.
According to the cartoon series co-creator Dan Harmon, they had originally planned to keep Beth and Jerry fighting and threatening each other to have a divorce as a sort of running gag in the show.
"I thought that Jerry and Beth getting a divorce would be like Kenny being killed in South Park, like, when we first conceived the show... that it would never run out of shelf life that that was the kind of joke of like, oh all our parents were about to get a divorce," Dan Harmon said.
He further added, "But, I think Millennial viewers are like, 'I don't understand, why don't they just recycle more?'" Dan Harmon also explained that the upcoming season will explore plans for Beth after the divorce and may include Beth finding new love while Jerry will still remain the same.
Fans had also theorized that "Rick and Morty" season 3 will tackle more backstory of Mrs. Sanchez. During the first season, Ricky mentioned that his wife had died. However, in the second season, it was revealed that Ricky left Mrs. Sanchez for unknown reasons.
It was rumored that her comeback is due Rick's imprisonment in the galactic federation prison and that Mrs. Sanchez will try to help him deal with the current situation he is facing.
While it is awesome to finally know her backstory, Dan Harmon mentioned, "I don't think anybody wants to do a third season that simply spends a whole bunch of episodes dealing with a situation that we created at the end of the second season. So I think that's a non-spoiler way of saying things should be okay pretty quickly."
It looks like it is going to be another good season for "Rick and Morty" and fans will only have to wait for a bit for the season 3 to air.