Fans of Japanese manga/anime series “Attack on Titan” are no longer in limbo about the much anticipated "Attack on Titan" season 2. After producers of the manga announced a second season in November 2014 for a 2016 release, there were no updates on the Japanese anime series until Tuesday when it was revealed that season 2 would premiere in spring 2017.
The announcement of "Attack on Titan" season 2 release date appeared on The Asahi Shimbun, which translated the original text from the website of Anime Anime Japan. There is no specific date announced but fans can expect to hear further updates from the production team in the coming months.
Written originally by Hajime Isayama which was serialized in Kodansha Ltd.’s Bessatu Shonen Magazine, a monthly comic anthology, the original "Attack on Titan" manga story was set in a world where humans are forced to live behind high walls to protect themselves against titans that devour people. The story revolved around how Eren, Mikasa and other members of the Survey Corps fight for their survival.
50 Million Copies Of Comic Book Sold
The comic book, because of the manga’s gripping storyline and gruesome portrayals, captured the hearts of fans. It sold more than 50 million copies, while the anime TV series adaptation became a blockbuster hit after it aired in April 2013. To quench fans’ thirst for more, a two-part live-action feature film adaptation was shown in cinemas in 2015.
To tease fans, a new visual was released showing Erne in titan form confronting the Colossus Titan, while the Armored Titan is seen on the background. Mysteries that were unsolved in season 1 would be one of the highlights of "Attack on Titan" season 2.
Survey Corps To Lose Commander Erwin Smith?
Based on plot leaks, it seems the Survey Corps would lose another great asset in the upcoming season. Among the speculations are that Commander Erwin Smith would be hurt at the same time as Armin when the captain fights the Beast Titan, while Armin battles the Colossus Titan.
According to Chatt Sports Net, only one of Commander Erwin Smith or Armin could be saved by the serum. Eren would plea with Levi -- who prefers to give the serum to the commander -- to save his friend. Because Eren is persistent, Levi gives in and hands the serum to Armin. Because Armin was saved, he is expected to step up his game in the upcoming season 2 of "Attack on Titan."