22 Actors Who Could Play A Part In Overwatch Live-Action Film

The idea of giving Overwatch a live-action movie adaption is definitely interesting. However, with how video game movies have resulted into (take for example Warcraft), it seems a hard one to chew. But hey, there's always that benefit of the doubt as well as a room for improvement. Anyway, if we are to bring OW to the big screen, we first need to determine the actors who'll be playing the heroes. Fortunately, we got that covered!

Thanks to Tim Gonzales of Now Loading, we get to have a look-see at the most fitting actors capable of playing the heroes of Overwatch. And yes, the list won't disappoint you. Heck, it will even stir your heart to believing that this film needs to be helmed. Without further ado, here they are!

Gal Gadot As Pharah In Overwatch

Of course, there's no other actress in Hollywood worthy of wearing Pharah's armor in Overwatch. It's definitely going to be Gal Gadot. The actress is slated to hit the big screen with her solo film titled Wonder Woman.

Shohreh Aghdashloo As Ana In Overwatch

Shohreh Aghdashloo's solid experience in the industry is what makes her the perfect actress to take the role of Ana in Overwatch. And yes, even film enthusiasts will agree to this.

Stephen Lang As Solider: 76 In Overwatch

When I first read the list, I must agree that Solider: 76 in Overwatch is suitable for Stephen Lang. This masculine of a guy is close to playing the ever commando character. You know what, Dolph Lundgren can also be a nice choice.

Natalie Dormer As Widowmaker In Overwatch

Just by looking at Natalie Dormer's face, one can tell that she has the features of Widowmaker in Overwatch. (I don't mean to say she's a lethal person or something, okay?). Besides, it'll be interesting to see a Game of Thrones actress in the big screen (I don't personally like her film called The Forest anyway).

John Tui As Roadhog In Overwatch

Okay, this one here I must admit, I'd go for the Big Show to play Roadhog in Overwatch. Still, John Tui is a nice choice. Either way, I'm on it, as long as Blizzard takes the game to the big (pun not intended) screen.

Tom Hiddleston As Junkrat In Overwatch

This actor here is best known for playing Loki in Marvel's Cinematic Universe, so there's no doubt that he can deliver Junkrat in Overwatch. In fact, I'm interested to see just how whimsical he can be with the hero. I'm looking forward for the big bomb!

Ralf Moeller As Reinhardt In Overwatch

If there's one thing that Ralf Moeller and Reinhardt in Overwatch have in common, it's the fact that they all hail from Germany. And oh, sorry, they're the biggest boys in the field, too! I think you know exactly already why it must be Moeller.

Gwendoline Christie As Zarya In Overwatch

Honestly, I'm a big fan of Zarya in Overwatch. Heck, I even tend to spam her in the game. Why? Because Zarya! So when I read that Gwendoline Christie is fit to take the hero, I want to give the author a high five. This Game of Thrones star is worthy of bringing that Russion muscles into the big screen. Oh, I love both of their hair styles, too!

Jack Black As Torbjorn In Overwatch

Seriously, is there any other guy in Hollywood who you can think of playing Torbjorn in Overwatch? For me, it's definitely Jack Black. He's the type of actor who's going to stretch his limits just to make a certain film a hit. And I'm quite sure, if the game is to be adapted, he's on it -- 100%.

To check the full list of actors worthy of playing the heroes in Overwatch, go here. Thanks, Tim, for the nice list! It's really great.

What are your thoughts on bringing Overwatch to the movie realm? Do you want it to happen? Any other actors/actress that you can think of? Write your thoughts at the comment section below!

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