Civilization 6 Tips And Tricks: How To Lead Your Civ To Science Victory

Gaining a Science Victory is one of the surest ways to help you adapt to the world around you. But how do you win a Science Victory? You have to win the Space Race. This might sound easy but gaining the titles is also the longest gameplay that you may have to engage on.

The Way To Science Victory

The first player to establish a Martian colony will be given the Science Victory. To establish a colony on Mars, you have to accomplish five different projects and get plenty of technologies. The five projects that a player has to complete is the Earth Satellite project, the Moon Landing project, the Build Reactor project, the Habitation project and the Hydroponics modules.

The first project, Earth Satellite requires that you launch a satellite into space. The second one, Moon Landing, requires a human to successfully land on the moon. The last three projects; Build Reactor, Habitation and Hydroponics modules, are all needed for you to successfully establish a colony on Mars. Once these things are done, Science Victory will be yours and your Civ.

Defining Principles Of Science Victory

Just remember that if you want to gain a Science Victory, there are several things that you should keep in mind. First, do not just prioritize the Industrial Zones. Pay more priority on Campuses and Scientific Wonder. Use the jungle tiles and mountain ranges to your advantage. There are other resources that you can use like Dominion, Culture and Religion. Have at least one Scientific Wonder, like the Oxford University. Having two Scientific Wonders is hard to come by and if you cannot get two, do not allow the others to win the game by having more than one Scientific Wonder. To stop another Civilization from getting two Scientific Wonders is to beat them into it.

Take All Technologies Your Civ Needs

To gain a Science Victory, there are more than a hundred technologies that you need to have on the tech tree. For example, the Launch Earth Satellite and Launch Moon Landing projects require technologies like astronomy, industrialization, flight, radio, chemistry, steampower, scientific theory, advanced flight and rocketry to name a few. The Launch Mars Habitation project can do with only a few technologies like computers, electricity, industrialization, steampower and most especially robotics.

Launch Mars Reactor require nuclear fusion as its most important technology. A few more technologies needed are military engineering, siege tactics, combined arms, lasers and nuclear fission. For Launch Mars Hydroponics project, several technologies like engineering, machinery, military science, synthetic materials, composites and nanotechnology are important.

A Spaceport Is Very Important

To do all these steps, your Civ should have a Spaceport to unlock the Rocketry technology. As a rule, it is better to have more than one Spaceport especially if you are already building the Mars modules. The idea is that the more Spaceport you have, the faster you will achieve Science Victory. Aside from that, you should also focus on the main driver of science: the Campus district. Each campus provides bonuses especially when they are placed other districts, mountains or near a rainforest. But if you want your campus to be most effective, put them up in big cities where each citizen can get a +2 science bonus. Universities, Library and Research Labs also provide Great scientist and additional science points for every turn.

Take Advantage Of Industrial Zones And Wonders

Be mindful that science is not the only thing you need to gain a Science Victory. You also need the help of Industrial Zones especially with their factories and workshops. If you can, have an Oxford University wonder in your city to increase your science by 20 percent. You will also be rewarded two free technologies that are random. Ruhr Valley is another wonder that helps increase production by 30 percent. You also get +1 production for every mine and quarry in the city. The Great Library wonder also boost all Classical tech and Ancient production.

Recruit Great Scientists

Make sure that you recruit Great Scientists like Galileo who provides 250 science for every Mountain tile that is adjacent. Janaki Ammal provides 268 for every rainforest tiles and Charles Darwin has a higher 500 science for every natural wonder tile they are on or adjacent to. For universities and library, Isaac Newton instantly builds you a University and Library and provides an additional +2 Science. Albert Einstein has a higher University Science yields with +4.

Keep An Eye On Your Housing And Amenities

Also, keep a hawk-eye on your Housing and your Amenities. A deficiency of any one will slow your cities for growth and you will not be able to afford to lose even +1 Science from any citizen. Besides, your citizens' happiness is the key to bonuses so try to hit that happiness bonus as much as you can. Also, focus on putting all your techs in Production focus. Most of all, do not be afraid to use nuclear weapons if you want to win a Science Victory faster by slowing down your opponents with surprising efficiency and with just one nuke.

Now that you know how to gain a Science Victory, you should check out other ways how you can get a Dominion Victory, a Score Victory and even a Culture Victory to ensure your win.

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