What Heavy Rain Director, David Cage, Say About Virtual Reality And How They Might Join The Bandwagon

Quantic Dream is one of my favorite studios. True that they release lesser games but the quality of these games make up for all the time spent. With only a handful of games to worry about, I would think that they spend more time on the gameplay and overall quality of games rather than chasing too many deadlines that they would need to rely on day one patches. Nonetheless, there aren't any games coming from them having a bad review.

David Cage, director of Quantic Dream, is reported to have revealed that he and his awesome team are currently looking at virtual reality but not to the point that they are enticed to make a video game for it. Cage said that they have VR systems installed at their headquarters. He encourages his crew to go ahead and try them so that they can understand what people are 'digging' right now and check on what is useful for their material.

"The idea is not to do VR for the sake of doing VR. It's about saying something on this medium that hasn't been said already.", Cage adds. He then talked about his personal feedback while trying VR games himself. He describes it to be a 'very weird experience.' There's one point when he was standing next to moving characters and one of them just went through him like a ghost, making him admit that on that point he was tricked by his brain.

At this point, I thought, well maybe they'd just give in someday and create a VR game since Quantic Dream is a very good storyteller. Well you don't need VR for a story to be told in an awesome way but based on my experience with their games, they tend to revolutionize traditional controls. Like how Heavy Rain uses the Dual Shock 3's (now 4 with the remastered version) gyroscope and made the most out of it by requiring the player to literally move the controller by shaking or nudging it in mid-air.

Maybe if they push thru with VR, I bet there would be something revolutionary with its traditional controls and for that to happen, we need to wait for the controls themselves to be 'traditional' in the first place. With that said, it may take some years for them to even consider making a VR game. For now, I think they are busy with Detroit: Become Human but with the acceleration of today's technological progress, maybe their decision in diving into VR gaming will be sooner than expected (fingers crossed).

Another possibility would be making a VR version for Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, which is a pretty good idea. If you think about it, the stories from both games revolve around various characters which makes a good avenue for Virtual Reality. Imagine you are Aiden, that Ghost thing, flying around, going thru walls and doing poltergeist stuff or become Ethan Mars looking for his son, solving puzzles, convincing people via gestures and other VR controls or gestures we still need to explore. That would be awesome.

For now, what we will be expecting from Quantic Dream is Detroit: Become Human which goes out traditionally for the PlayStation 4. It has no official release date yet except for the hint that it will not come out this year. Here's a sampler video:

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