Muscle Mass Loss, Its Causes And The Solutions For Muscle Regeneration

Muscle Mass of people grow stronger and bigger each year until the age of 30. Along the way before or after 30 years of age, muscle depletion takes its turn to decrease its mass and strength. A health ailment could trigger muscle mass reduction or perhaps accidents that could cause muscle to remain stale in its development.

A natural cause of muscle mass loss is through the aging process called "sarcopenia". This cause of muscle mass loss occurs to people who are physically inactive. They lose a certain percentage of their muscles from 3% to 5% for every decade of inactivity. However, even active people loss certain amount of muscles, too.

Muscle mass loss cannot be quantified as to how much was lost. It can only be determined on how the person feels in doing an activity. A person could feel pain or weakness when exerting physical chores. Muscle mass loss is expedited at the age of 75 to 80 years old and shows the frequency of falls and fractures that old people suffer.

Other factors of muscle mass loss besides aging are the negative activities of nerve cells that refuse to send signals to muscle groups, lower concentrations of growth hormones, testosterone levels, and insulin growth factors, the inability in protein production needed for energy, and the sustenance of caloric levels or protein to maintain muscle mass.

Besides physical training and proper diet to avoid muscle mass loss, a few prescribed medical treatments are underway for the patients who are suffering from muscle mass loss. Urocrotin II is an IV treatment to aid muscle atrophy when people are in casts and has involuntary muscle inactivity. Another medical treatment is called as the Medical Hormone Therapy (HRT). Hormone replacement had little advancement and cause side effects like cancer to prolifer, stated in an article from WebMD.

However, according to Hilsingin Yliopisto of the University of Helsinki, a stem cell gene has now the capacity to aid damaged muscles that has atrophied or had been idle due to injury or damage. Muscle mass increase was the response with the aid of this stem cell gene. It also reacted to physical exercise and adapted positively increasing muscle mass.

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