Net Reacts To Megan Fox Joining Michael Bay's Turtles Reboot

Mega-movie director Michael Bay has brought "Megan Fox back into the family," as proclaimed on his blog Thursday, Feb. 21. The project? A live-action reboot of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Ninja Turtles currently has a 2014 release date, according to, and will be helmed by Wrath of the Titans director Jonathan Liebesman. Bay will produce.

Fox is set to play Turtle gal pal April O'Neil, Variety reports.

The announcement is a revelation for more than just fans of the evergreen TMNT franchise. After being the female lead in Bay's first two Transformer films, Fox famously compared the director to "Hitler" in an ill-advised statement and was duly replaced due in large part to executive producer Steven Spielberg finding the remark more than inappropriate.

But now Fox and Bay are reuniting for the first time in two years to bring another nostalgic superhero squad back to life on the big screen.

With the announcement made only one day ago, fanboys (and fangirls) have already taken to the 'Net to voice their thoughts.

"Megan Fox does not = April O'Neill," writes Ain't It Cool News commenter Lovezoid. "I'd pick Anna Kendrick."

"Who gives a s**t about Megan Fox being cast?" posts AITCN commenter Rob Wheeler. "What we're all dying to know is will Corey Feldman be returning as Donatello?" commenter Jay Abbit suggests that a leaked draft of the Ninja Turtles script shows an "unnamed female turtle character" that "Mikey" (aka Michaelangelo) "gets the hots for" and that Fox may in fact be playing that character instead of O'Neil.

His comment, it should be noted, was posted after Variety's report, which others on the Web have also decried as possibly being misinformation.

"She's hot but can't act," writes commenter James J. Woehr.

@DonnyPee takes to Twitter to lament, "goodbye dignity, goodbye career" regarding Fox's decision to take part in the upcoming film.

"*stretches* *yawns* RT ‪@littlestpicshow: Are ‪#MeganFox and ‪#Bagpuss trending yet?" tweets @bagpussbot.

"Wow, all this hate for Megan Fox? Can't ya'll ignore her jawa thumbs and just embrace the hotness?" tweets @sexyarmpit

"Sorry Bay, but I don't think even having Megan Fox in the movie will get fanboys in to see it with the stuff that's already been confirmed about the piece of crap you're producing," posts Furious Fanboys' Jeremy Conrad.

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