Overwatch's Sombra Is Aggravating Medical Conditions? Blizzard Takes Action

Overwatch may be one of the most played video games out in stores today. Its newest character Sombra even lured in more players to get hooked to the stealth-action RPG. However, just recently, Blizzard received a number of complaints from users saying that some of its sound effects were aggravating their pre-existing medical conditions.

Sombra's EMP Sound Effect Aggravates Health Conditions

Its latest update released this month brought in new modes, a new map and the newest hero character, Sombra. Although most players were excited with the recent additions, some were less amused. The reason being is the sound effect that comes with Sombra's abilities.

According to Power Up Gaming, Sombra's ability in the game takes in the form of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that disables the enemy's shields and barriers plus hacking the opponents altogether. For those caught with the electromagnetic pulse, the game emits a loud, high-frequency static noise.

Such sound effects have been the main cause of distress for some. Those battling with anxiety, tinnitus, autism and misophonia have reported to Blizzard forums their conditions being worsened by the particular sound effect.

As if this is not enough, one user described his experience with the sound of Sombra's machine gun as a nightmare. He said "the sound of the gun fire triggered my sensory processing disability causing unfortunate symptoms such as vomiting, migraines and temporary loss of vision."

Blizzard Changed The Sound Effects, Lessened Its Duration

Blizzard immediately leaped into action and tried to alleviate the issue by changing the audio clips associated with Sombra's moves. In a statement made by Overwatch's audio director, Scott Lawlor, he encouraged the players to bring up more issues so that they can solve it to help improve the game better. He also explained two issues with Sombra's sound effects that aggravated the medical conditions of some players.

The Hack/EMP State effect is the dulling effect that happens alongside the hack sound. Blizzard altered the duration of the muffle sounds to 1-2 seconds instead of the usual prolonged version. According to them, the feeling that the effect is wearing off faster will "hopefully alleviate any discomfort of the players."

The SMG Sound Effects, on the other hand, was a complicated problem for them to fix. Since they did not intend to alter the sound too much, Blizzard brought in subtle changes. Lowering the volume plus adding an equalizer reduced the frequency to 4600Hz making it more bearable compared to the previous 1.5-4.5kHz.

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