Pokemon Sun And Moon Guide: What Not To Do While Playing The Game?

Players must be curious on what are the do's and dont's in Pokemon Sun and Moon.There are several cautions in the game. Players are really focused on what to discover in the new world of Pokemon they forget that there are things they need to be careful about.

What To Avoid In Pokemon Sun And Moon?

In a report on IGN, there are several things that the players of Pokemon Sun and Moon tends to overlook. These are the guide in order to avoid any trouble in Alola Island. The first advice is to not catch multiple Pokemon of a certain type. It pays off to have different creatures.

This means that a balanced party is the key to success in fighting against other creatures. For example, Pichu and Grubbin are electric-type monsters that can be found on Melemele region. Players can capture Slowpoke and Wingull monsters in Hau'oli. These are completely different types, but they work together.

Players must not use their money in fashion. Because Pokemon Sun and Moon offers a customization, players tend to forget that they need to spend their money wisely. The players might never know when they will need funds. Fashion is just that - a statement that does not affect the capability of the character or the Pokemon.

Training HM-ready Pokemon is not a bad idea, but in Pokemon Sun and Moon, the HM-ready monsters can be left untrained. Lastly, players must not forget to save their progress. This will ensure them that their improvements will always be recorded.

Pokemon Sun And Moon Review

In a report on Techno Buffalo, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are distinctly different. The games have different legendary Pokemon. In the former, Solgaleo is present while in the latter, there is Lunala. Second, the times vary between the games. If it is daytime in the player's place, then it is automatically daytime in Pokemon Sun and vice versa on Pokemon Moon. Next, the former has 18 exclusive Pokemon that are very different from the latter.

Lastly, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon have different Totem Pokemon. In the former, Gumshoos is the creature while in the latter, Alolan Raticate is found. Truly, the games may consist same techniques but there are certain ways they are uniquely different from one another.

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