iPhone 7 Is Oficially The Top-Selling Smartphone In The US: There´s Only One Flagship That Can Beat It

Apple´s iPhone 7 officially became the most popular smartphone in the United States. It managed to achieve the position of the top-selling mobile device for the three-month period ending in October, which let the flagship to achieve its best sales numbers in nearly two years. It actually rose to the point where it equated to a 40.5 market share.

iPhone 7 Is The Top-Selling Smartphone Also Because Of The Note 7 Fiasco

According to the Digital Trends, the top-selling device achieved 10.6 percent of all the smartphone sales in the mentioned three months period despite not being available for that entire time. On the other hand, the second top-selling smartphone was the last year iPhone 6S, followed by the Samsung´s Galaxy 7 and the 7 Plus in the fourth place.

The successful sales could've come from the product's offered specs and features but it's important to account Galaxy Note 7's issuing of recalls during the aforementioned three-month period. Due to Samsung's issue with the Note 7's countless battery explosion cases, one can only assume that Apple has unintentionally taken advantage of the company's temporary weakness. That being said, the iPhone 7 is still a great flagship.

Google Pixel Is The Smartphone That Could Gain The Most Incredible Sales Figures In The Next Months

According to the International Business Times, the most promising mobile device with a huge potential to gain incredible sales figures in the next months is the Google Pixel, which accounted for a 0.5 market share in the same period when the top-selling iPhone 7 sold the most units. Of course, even when it is almost impossible that this smartphone could succeed theApple´s device in greatness, it could actually become the most popular smartphone in not so long.

The study about the top-selling smartphones in the U.S. was made by Kantar Worldpanel Comtech, which also revealed that the growth of Android and iOS ecosystems have been successful in many countries around the world, except Germany and urban China. Still, Android keeps dominating the 5 percent of smartphone sales globally.

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