Here Are The Reasons Why Noctis Is Final Fantasy’s Best Protagonist In The Series Yet

For Square Enix, the Final Fantasy series has been a success for more than 25 years. But one of the many reasons why Square Enix's creation became one of the gaming world's best RPGs is because of its characters. We have seen many characters in the Final Fantasy franchise from the main game right to the spinoffs. But our best so far? Noctis of Final Fantasy XV.

Final Fantasy's Best Protagonists Before Noctis

Before Noctis, there are - of course - other protagonists who are considered the best among the Final Fantasy series. The heroes we picked out are not only dashing, they are also people with great stories to tell and a past that made them the best character that they are.

Final Fantasy VII - Best Protagonist: Cloud

Of course, we get Cloud who happens to be an ex-soldier mercenary in Final Fantasy VII. Knowing that FFVII is the greatest Final Fantasy title until the arrival of Final Fantasy XV, it's safe to say that Cloud is the next best protagonist in the FF franchise next to Noctis. For over 10 years, Cloud was popular in almost everything. He was in games, he had cameos in other titles, a CG movie headlined him and he was made the front of a huge merchandising blitz. So yeah. He was very, very popular. For one, he looks hot with his motorcycle and play-my-way rules given his job as a tough warrior. But as the game progresses, we see a new Cloud who becomes a very trustworthy hero with a cool personality.

Final Fantasy VIII - Best Protagonist: Squall

One of those characters with a past to tell is Squall. If you remember him, he's the cynical protagonist of Final Fantasy VIII. As a hero, his personality is somewhat defective given his past. But thanks to his heroine's love, Rinoa, he was able to transform from being a stoic character to become a likable guy.

Final Fantasy IX - Best Protagonist: Zidane

Then we get to see the hyperactive Zidane. With the first eight titles, all the either uptight or just - uptight. But Zidane brings freshness not just to Final Fantasy IX but also to the rest of the protagonists we have on this list. If he's not fighting, he's finding a way of escape. If he's not doing both, then he's likely flirting amidst a party. Then all of a sudden, we see Kuja who happens to be his so-called evil "brother." But of course, our protagonist was able to find himself and proved throughout the game that his good heart and bouncy attitude is more powerful than any evil that might be in his veins.

Final Fantasy X - Best Protagonist: Tidus

Next up is Tidus. He's a superstar athlete but he's very much like a child in his outlook in life. But given his acceptance of the challenges given to him, we see Tidus changing into a man by the end of Final Fantasy X. So instead of a whiny protagonist, we get to see a changed man acting out in the game like it's in real life.

But Noctis Wins The Best Protagonist Title - Hands Down

So why and how does Noctis wins the title for the Best Protagonist Of The Final Fantasy Series? Our reasons are pretty easy to understand really. The 10-year development for Final Fantasy XV is a big factor since we now enjoy one of the best RPGs of all time; though there is still an argument regarding that.

As for Noctis being the best protagonist of the Final Fantasy series, one of our reasons is the long time it took to develop his character in the story. In the case of Noctis, the 10-year wait meant that the developers were able to produce a character with a great story to tell. Not only that, Noctis' journey in Final Fantasy XV is a story of deep emotions such as anguish in grief in dealing with his father's kingdom. Even Ray Chase, who is the voice behind the English version of Noctis, said that "Noct is the most human of all the heroes in the series."

Comparing Noctis To Other Best Protagonists

You see, Cloud has a good heart but he's also amnesiac. Noctis, on the other hand, is a young man working his way to become a worthy king to succeed his father. But before he can do that, he has to experience some very painful and very real-life memories to reconcile with his past and his coming future. Squall was broody but slowly transformed as a likable character in the end. Noctis is sullen because he suddenly found himself with a big responsibility as a royalty.

Did he suddenly changed from being sullen? Not really. But it's an "unchanged" that we can overlook since his friends stood by him because of their concern and great care for him. It's also another point in the story where Noct shows that he's just like us - human. Noctis' friends are also noteworthy. All three of them show players how strong the bonds of friendship should be between friends and their struggle on the journey takes a real-life turn that many of us can relate to.

Our Last Words: Noctis Makes Us Feel More Human In Final Fantasy XV

So all in all, Noctis in Final Fantasy XV will make you feel more human. Yes, Zidane was able to provide the same feeling to players from Final Fantasy IX. But for those who have finished Final Fantasy XV (don't worry, we won't spoil the ending of FFXV here, but this post will), you would agree that how everything ended for FFXV feels more real and is actually a good change from the rest of the Final Fantasy series.

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