Overwatch Oasis Map Out Of PTR; Players Takes Advantage Of Various Glitches

Overwatch Oasis map is now out of Public Test Realm (PTR) and available to all. Players though managed to discover and take advantage of the various glitches in the map.

Oasis Description

Overwatch developer Blizzard describes the Oasis map as a city where the most brilliant scientific minds converge. Many of the technological breakthroughs, inventions and discoveries are made here. It's also the only map where there are moving cars. Players can get hit by a speeding vehicle if they are not careful. You could see a video preview of the map here.

Oasis is located somewhere in the Iraqi desert. It has three control points and has a Jump pad as well. Blizzard first revealed the map on BlizzCon 2016. It went to PTR almost two months ago and it's now currently live.

Various Oasis Map Exploit

A number of Overwatch players have discovered a number of ways to use the cars in the Oasis map. Reddit users have been posting their various exploits using various heroes. Widowmaker can hook on a car and glide for a few seconds through the air before dropping to her death. Here's a short video of that scene.

Symmetra could also place her Translocator on top of a moving car. She can then transport herself in the center of the road. Be careful of the ongoing traffic or you might get hit by a car which was the case in this demo video. Another Reddit user posted a video showing Reaper hitching a ride.

Overwatch Game

Blizzard developed and released Overwatch on May 2106. It's currently available in various platforms including the PS4, Xbox One and Windows PC. It's an online FPS multiplayer game that divides players into two teams composed of six members each. Playable heroes are divided into four classes including Offense, Defense, Tank and Support. Each team will secure, defend or escort an objective using various maps available in the game.

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