Forensic Science Is At Risk With Budget Cuts

Forensic science is needed in aiding police in solving crime. Forensics though could be costly. Forensic science is at risk with budget cuts and could endanger police work and the justice system.

The justice system in the UK could be in danger as government is contemplating on budget cuts on forensic science. Quality of work could be compromised if the budget cut would be pushed. This has been the warning given by Forensic Science Regulator Dr. Gillian Tully. Especially affected would be cases which involve murder and sexual assault.

There are procedures that would need much funding, such as DNA analysis. Sample analysis which uses technology would be affected as well. Since 2012 the UK government has abolished the Forensic Science Service. Since that time the justice system in the UK had problems.

Private firms have since that time provided much of the forensic work for police. The need to have standards in forensic work should be emphasized, Dr. Tully has noted. To achieve those standards, such work needs financing as well. She has warned that quality failures and a general loss of confidence in forensic science looms if the standards are not met.

As an example, Dr. Tully has noted of a rape investigation wherein samples from the victim have been contaminated with DNA from an unrelated case, according to the BBC. A full commitment is required from all police forces to reach the standard, and she has said that not all police forces are committed to it.

Even in digital forensics few organizations would be able to reach the standards being required. Dr. Tully has maintained that there are a minimum set of standards which organizations can reach. She has said also that response has been slow and would like the process to be much faster.

Further cuts in forensic science should not proceed any further, as The Guardian reports. To do so could further undermine the justice system in the UK. Dr. Tully has said that the limit for budget cuts has been reached, and that any further cuts could compromise the situation.

Forensic science is a vital component of criminal justice. Forensic science is at risk with budget cuts in the UK. A hate crime suit has been filed against four for abusing a mentally challenged man on Facebook.

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