Overwatch Update: Symmetra And Torbjorn Balance Changes Might Come Soon; Blizzard Working On Report Feature For Consoles

With the current meta ending soon, Blizzard will be adding new balance changes in an upcoming Overwatch update. Furthermore, developer Jeff Kaplan gives more insight regarding the 'report' feature for console players.

Jeff Kaplan Discusses Future Overwatch Update

Many fans continue to discuss their opinions on the current standings of the game via the Battle.net forums. In a recent case, some console players are pleading Blizzard to tweak Symmetra and Torbjorn yet again on the PS4 and Xbox One. Since hero stacking is no longer viable, they believe that Torbjorn will no longer be overly powerful. Furthermore, they even noted how both heroes' turrets do very petty damage.

Meanwhile, many console players have also brought up the issue of the lack of a 'report' feature which is a major feature for online games. Because of this, many griefers can easily abuse bugs, glitches or cheats and can easily get away with it.

Finally, these players also brought up the lack of a scroll wheel that contains useful messages like 'Need healing' and 'attack/defend the objective.' They claimed that these messages can be easily incorporated into the empty key bindings of the controller (like the left d-pad).

Thankfully, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan personally took to the forums to address these ongoing console issues. He claimed that while Torbjorn and Symmetra were doing great on PC, the two characters have begun to 'diverge.' For this reason, the team plans on adjusting them after some careful consideration.

On the other hand, he also mentioned that the 'report' feature will be coming to consoles but he still cannot give an ETA at the moment. Kaplan said that the team is currently wrapped up in many other features and that they are 'at the mercy of things beyond their control.' Even so, he hopes that everything 'locks into place' on or before summer.

PTR Changes Moving to Official Servers

On a different note, PvP Line reports that the current Public Test Region (PTR) version is shutting down. Lead software engineer Bill Warnecke posted the announcement on the forums and thanked the fans for their feedback.

This Overwatch PTR patch will then make its way to the official servers, meaning it will carry over all the buffs and nerfs. These updated skills range from Ana's biotic grenade, Roadhog's hook and Sombra's hack speed. Additionally, the wheel has also been expanded which gives players the chance to assign up to four emotes, sprays and voice lines per hero.

Fans should also be on the lookout for the major Overwatch update releasing very soon which will include more holiday-themed skins for selected heroes. Fans can play the first-person team shooter on the PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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