Building Blocks For Massive Galaxies Studied

Astronomers continue to study how the universe has been formed. They also study how objects in the universe have been formed. Galaxies are the largest objects that can be seen. The building blocks for massive galaxies have been studied.

Dwarf galaxies have been seen by astronomers constantly. A number of dwarf galaxies orbit the Milky Way. Astronomers now think that dwarf galaxies might be the building blocks for massive galaxies.

A team of astronomers are following a group of dwarf galaxies. These dwarf galaxies are on the path to merge in the future to form a large galaxy. The discovery has been the first as it shows the dwarf galaxies to be in the early stages of forming a large galaxy.

Sabrina Stierwalt from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) has said that a large galaxy is made by bringing together a group of dwarf galaxies together. The discovery is the first time that the process has been seen as it is happening. The search for dwarf galaxies making the formation first began by going over data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).

The team of astronomers studied images to find dwarf galaxies that might belong to a group. The team has used a number of telescopes to observe the dwarf galaxies, according to the National Radio Astronomy Observatory site. The Magellan telescope in Chile has been used. The Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico has also been used for the study. Another one used is the Gemini telescope in Hawaii.

The study hopes to bring more attention to dwarf galaxies, as Science Daily reports. Dwarf galaxies are often seen around larger galaxies like the Milky Way, forming a local galaxy group. Dwarf galaxies though might be more than just companions of large galaxies, but might also be an important factor in forming large galaxies.

The group of dwarf galaxies that has been found are said to be gravitationally bound. That means at some point they would eventually merge to form into a large galaxy. The building blocks for massive galaxies has been studied, and it comprises of dwarf galaxies. Astronomers are also searching for life on the Wolf 1061 star system.

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