The Most Incredible 5G Innovations That Could Change Mobile Internet´s Future

Of every single presentation that happened during the Mobile World Congress 2017 in Barcelona, some of the most interesting were those regarding the ultra-fast mobile broadband 5. This latest innovation showed how many companies are willing to change the future of mobile internet. So far, these are the most incredible innovations that were exposed:

Ericsson Showed 25Gbps By Using MU-MIMO

In terms of a 5G future, there´s probably not a single company that has been pushing most than Ericcson. This tech giant has created 5G radio prototypes that make use of Multi-user, Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MU-MIMO) and also advanced beam-tracking in order to increase the download speeds to a maximum of 25Gbps. The most incredible detail is that this specific download speed will provide the user the availability of receiving internet speeds of over 12Gbps.

Believe it or not, one of the most interesting details that show how the mobile internet´s future is not what as we expected is that each single piece of equipment is the size of a carry-on luggage, and it can actually support up to 40 different Long Term Evolution -LTE- mobile operators. Ericsson currently has several agreements with more than 15 major operators globally, in order to work together on 5G. Also, the company will start conducting 5G radio test-bed field trials in the last months of this year.

ZTE Is Betting On Its Pre5G To Change Mobile Internet´s Future

Although everyone´s working with 4G, and 5G seems as the next major step in order change the future of mobile internet, there are companies that are working on the so-called 4.5G, which seems as a great strategy in order combine the features of the 4G and some of the innovations that are expected in the 5G.

The most notorious company that is working on this one is Chinese telecommunications provider ZTE, which got to the point of calling this technology Pre5G. Apparently, this company wants to start easing the whole world into the 5G right now, by slowly increasing the speed and quality of the mobile internet with an interesting solution called Pre5G UDN.

This solution consists of Massive multiple-input and multiple output (MIMO), Multi-User Shared Access (MUSA) and UDN, so it can improve the mobile internet speeds 10 times over on existing network equipment, by drastically enhancing the access rate of existing network users and the overall network capacity. This way, users can enjoy this 4.5G mobile experience.

Qualcomm Wants To Change Mobile Internet´s Future

Far from limiting its actions to the famous processors, chipset maker Qualcomm is also betting on changing the future of the mobile internet, by making huge efforts to avoid 5G being another wireless technology as the 3G and 4G. In fact, this company wants to make a standard that continues to evolve to create a flexible network, using the 5G unified air interface.

In order to make this happen, the company showed the 5G unified air interface (5G UAI) in action, using a base station with 128 antennas. This way, intelligent beam forming and beam tracking will keep a connection that results in mobile internet speeds of almost 500Mbps downstream and 80Mbps upstream in an interesting 226MHz channel.

Using extremely small antennas in a broad array in conjunction with the directional beam forming, the company demonstrated that it could deliver an outstanding wireless signal, no matter if the conditions are not ideal.

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