Overwatch Hero Guide: How To Play Orisa

Overwatch has a new hero and her name is Orisa and everyone is excited to play this one-month-old robot that is currently on the PTR. Orisa is an "anchor tank" as described by Kaplan or a tank that teams could position around. Orisa is a safe hero to use and it's not particularly hard to theorize where she will shine.

Orisa In Overwatch

There are plenty of time to get to know Orisa and her abilities but the competitive gameplay is where it counts in Overwatch. She wields a semi-automatic rapid-fire machine gun with amazing accuracy and reaches. Although the movement speed is reduced while shooting, her weapon holds 200 bullets which mean she can maintain a hail of them for a long time.

Although Orisa is a Tank, she can deal a lot of damage with her projectiles so players don't have to fight close range in Overwatch. Halt! is just one of Orisa's useful abilities in her arsenal and this launches a charge that can slow enemies and pull them towards it. This can be great for pulling heroes out of hiding and group targets together.

More Of Orisa's Abilities In Overwatch

Her Fortify ability temporarily reduces the damage she takes and she won't be affected by action-impairing attacks. She can become immune to Mei's freeze, Roadhog's hook and Reinhardt's charge, not to mention Zarya's graviton surge. This is a powerful ability that can be used by Orisa to push forward and pressure the enemy in Overwatch.

Orisa can also deploy a protective barrier to act as a shield. When defending, deploy it immediately before the start of the match to give the skill time to cool down so it can be deployed again. Her ultimate is called a Supercharger which grants 50 percent damage to the entire team. Since it has low health, it's best to deploy it behind a shield during a match in Overwatch.

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