Horizon: Zero Dawn Guide To Locating All Tallnecks

There are a lot of things to do in Horizon: Zero Dawn and a lot of items to collect. However, in order for the player to do so, they would have to unlock the area first to get to know their surroundings. This move would also allow them to see what creatures or special locations are in the area, thus making it easier to develop strategies for whatever the player plans on doing.

Unlocking Tallnecks

According to USGamer, Tallnecks are large machines with a platform on their heads. Players need to climb this creature to override them to unlock useful locations on the map and in doing so, would also grant them XP.

There is a total of five Longnecks in the entire game, and each one is guarded by a number of machines. Getting detected while trying to approach a Tallneck would instantly mean a series of confrontation with the guarding machines that players don't have the time for. Unfortunately, players cannot climb the legs of Tallnecks however; the towering machines always walk in circles around a tall structure. So the best strategy to be able to climb one is to use stealth in approaching the tall structure in the middle. From the top of the middle structure, players need to jump on to the Tallneck and climb up to the platform on its head to override it.

Locations Of The Tallnecks

In an article by SegmentNext, the Tallnecks are located at Devil's Thirst, Sun-Steps, Spearshafts, Rustwash and Copper Deeps. However, the difficulty in overriding the Tallnecks increases, as the guarding machines are different per Tallneck.

The first Tallneck can be found at Devil's Thirst. Specifically, the machine can be found just north of the Main Embrace Gate. The good thing about this Tallneck is that there aren't a lot of machines patrolling the area, so the player can strategize on the best way to approach and enter the ruined building in the middle. Once inside the ruined building, players need to go to the platform on top and wait for the Tallneck to come close and then jump on it. Then climb to the top and override the machine.

The second Tallneck can be found at Sun-Steps. Unfortunately, this Tallneck is located near a bandit camp, so getting detected means fighting against a lot of humans and Corruptors. So this means that players need to discreetly take out any bandit that are overlooking the area to avoid detection. Then players need to find their way onto a wooden structure in the area, then wait for the Tallneck to come close then jump on it. Once done with overriding the creature, players can Fast Travel out of the area instead of sneaking their way out.

This third Tallneck is particularly tricky compared to others if players opt to use stealth. There is a cliff at the center of the Tallnecks path that players need to climb. However, there will be a lot Longlegs at the top, so players need to hide themselves in the tall grass nearby. Once hidden, players could just override the Longlegs that comes close and then just wait for the Tallneck to pass by, then jump on it.

The fourth Tallneck can be found at the east of the Meridian, specifically next to the Gatelands Bandit Camp. The Tallneck is guarded by Sawtooths, Fire Bellowbacks, Watchers and more. So the best way to climb the Tallneck is to use stealth. There are two big rock structures in the middle of the Tallnecks path. Once the player is out of the trenches and on the rocks, the machines would leave the player alone mostly. Then wait for the Tallneck to come close, then jump on it.

The last Tallneck can be found at the southwest part of the map specifically, southeast of Meridian. The towering machine will be walking around a body of water, meaning that there would be Snapmaws and there will be Glinthawks on the nearby cliff that the player needs to climb. The best strategy to climb this Tallneck is not to use stealth, but to eliminate all the machines surrounding it. Once done, all the player needs to do is to wait for the Tallneck to come close then jump on it.

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