Everything To Know About The Multiplayer Campaign In Mass Effect Andromeda

If the players are looking for other things to do in Mass Effect Andromeda, they can play the multiplayer campaign. BioWare explained that the multiplayer campaign is one of the most challenging part, at the same time, an enjoyable feature in the game.

Surviving Mass Effect Andromeda's Multiplayer

To emerge victorious in Mass Effect Andromeda's multiplayer, players must be well prepared. In every multiplayer match that they will be participating, players will have to face seven different waves.

Waves one, two, four and five will be about survival. While waves three and six will be beating the time while finishing certain tasks like locking down a hack zone. Lastly, for wave seven, the main objective is extraction or elimination. However, players must not head out to the extraction area immediately as enemies might show up there.

Next, they must know who to attack first and that means the weaker enemies, according to RPG Site. It will make their success faster since attacking the stronger enemies will eat their time and that will not be very helpful especially when under waves three and six in Mass Effect Andromeda.

Next, players must have a well-balanced team. The players must play according to their skills and abilities in Mass Effect Andromeda.

Lastly, knowing where the locations of the ammo crates in multiplayer will give them a head start. The reason is that since there will be a lot of enemies during the campaign, they will need to reload frequently. Once, players are familiar where the crates are, they will have no trouble in defeating their opponents.

Who Will Be The Enemies In The Multiplayer Campaign?

As per Segment Next, there will be three types of enemies in Mass Effect Andromeda's multiplayer. First is the Kett, which use plasma-based weapons. There are six sub-types of Kett namely Chosen, Wraith, Anointed, Destined, Ascendent and Fiend.

Next, are the Outlaws that are composed of five sub-types. Adhi that likes to use melee weapons, the Raider that uses shield to protect themselves and the Sharpshooter as the strongest of them all. Furthermore, Hydra is a slow mover that is why players can take them out first and lastly is the Berseker, which will make their lives hard because of its heavy armor and flank canon.

Remnant have five sub-types also. The Assembler is responsible for the hordes during the match. Breacher, on the other hand, likes to close the gap to attack the players. Nullifier is considered as the tough one in the group. Observer can attack from the sky because they can fly while Destroyer likes to use its twin turrets to kill the players.

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