Revolving around a sensitive subject, "13 Reasons Why" is a new TV series that purportedly addresses many unseen or overlooked reasons behind the suicide of 17-year-old Hannah Baker and its consequences. The adaptation has been a passion project of Selena Gomez's since 2011, with her initially slated to play Hannah while being the producer at the same time.
Debunking '13 Reasons Why'
According to News, "13 Reasons Why" follows a central mystery structure wherein it allegedly sets up one main question that the show will try to answer over 13 episodes. The series is set to premiere on Friday, March 31. The school community is reeling from why this confident and intelligent girl would kill herself. Apparently, among these people is Hannah's friend and classmate, Clay Jensen played by Dylan Minette. The said character is going to play a vital role as the show progresses.
Furthermore, as reported by Her, the viewers will be introduced to the young and sweet Clay, who seemed to have a crush on Hannah. However, Clay doesn't seem to comprehend whether he may have played a role in Hannah's eventual death. It was found that Hannah's voiceover gives her the narrative privilege but as one character has been quoted to have said, don't believe everything you hear. Check "13 Reasons Why" in the video below.