Some Genius Gamer Turned The Nintendo Switch Into A VR Device

It was just a matter of time before someone modified the popular Nintendo Switch. While no one has yet come out with hacks similar to what the NES Classic Edition went through, there is one gamer who managed to turn his Switch console into a virtual reality device.

A YouTuber who goes by Nintendrew beat Nintendo to the punch after he successfully utilized a Switch tablet in a VR headset. The YouTuber who simply wanted to know what it would be like to play the Switch in VR discovered, to his delight, that the Switch tablet snuggled perfectly in his Durovis Dive 7 headset. He does believe that the Switch will work in any tablet-sized VR headset.

The problem was that the Switch still has no 3D games to speak of thus it can't play games in VR readily. Fortunately, another modder has previously discovered how to access the Switch's supposedly inexistent web browser. Nintendrew used this to his advantage. First, he recorded a 720p version of "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D", a Nintendo 3DS game. He then created a side-by-side footage and then utilized the said hidden web browser to pull the video up on YouTube. As The Verge noted, this process actually worked but not without a few hitches.

For starters, the video quality was nothing to be excited about. This is mainly due to the size of the Switch's screen as the width of the screen for each eye was only 500 pixels. Furthermore, the Nintendo Switch was heavier than tablets or smartphones so it was a bit uncomfortable to play VR using the hybrid console. As VentureBeat pointed out, however, the project still proved that VR in the Nintendo Switch is definitely possible.

As reported before, Nintendo apparently has plans to make the Switch work with a VR headset. A patent was published late last year describing a VR headset like apparatus that can hold a device the size of the Switch tablet. According to the patent, the device shall "enhance the sense of immersion".

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