Apple Poaches Lamborghini's Veteran Car-Development Exec to Work on its Electric Autonomous Car

As it aims to produce cars in 2025, Apple employed Luigi Taraborreli, who worked for Lamborghini as the head of chassis and vehicle dynamics.

Apple Hired Lamborghini's Luigi Taraborreli to Manage Apple's Upcoming Vehicle

Bloomberg reports that Apple Inc. has hired one of Lamborghini's top car-development managers to indicate that it is accelerating work on a self-driving electric vehicle.

Taraborrelli spent most of his career at Lamborghini, working in the research and development department. Taraborrelli most recently served as the organization's head of chassis and vehicle dynamics, according to his LinkedIn page.

The Urus, Huracan, and Aventador were among the Lamborghini cars on which he has worked. Taraborrelli has previously held positions in marketing, vehicle development and validation, and other fields. He started working for the firm in October 2001 and left in May 2022.

After years of obstacles and turmoil, this action is just another indication that Apple is still dedicated to building a vehicle. With his background, Taraborrelli becomes one of Apple's EV team's most senior managers and lends the project some exotic-car flare.

Lamborghini and Apple have a long history together. To give fans a sneak peek of the Huracan EVO RWD Spyder, the automaker introduced an Apple-based augmented reality function in 2020. Apple's chief of marketing at the time said that the brand is one that the corporation "cares passionately" about.

The business plans to release a vehicle around 2025 that features a layout that allows passengers to face one another in a limo-like cabin. Although many team members and industry observers doubt such a step is feasible on Apple's present timeline, the company has lofty plans to develop a vehicle without a steering wheel or pedals, depending instead on completely autonomous technology.

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Apple is Using iPhone's Success to Enter the Vehicle Market

Apple is attempting to enter the car business by leveraging the success of the iPhone. Automakers are not really sure of their feelings on this.

In June, Apple unveiled the upgraded version of its CarPlay system for automobiles. All interior displays' user interfaces are taken over, and a digital gas gauge and speed dial are replaced with ones that the driver's iPhone powers. It implied that CarPlay aids manufacturers in selling automobiles.

According to Apple Engineering Manager Emily Schubert, CarPlay is already integrated into 98% of new automobiles in the United States. She gave a startling statistic that 79% of American shoppers would only purchase a vehicle if it supported CarPlay.

The firm may now get detailed information and statistics on how people use their automobiles thanks to the new CarPlay feature. That is valuable knowledge if it ever decides to release its automobile, which has been developed in a highly classified manner for years.

It also announced in June that it had looked at exploring technologies that would incorporate commerce into a vehicle's dashboard. According to Reuters, one new feature unveiled this summer would let CarPlay users find a gas station and pay for the petrol from the dashboard of the vehicle.

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