From Fireworks to Drones: How Tech is Transforming 4th of July Celebrations

The Fourth of July is a significant celebration of American culture. The day is often celebrated with grand fireworks, parades, and outdoor festivities.

Fourth of July Fireworks
OC Gonzalez via Unsplash

However, traditional celebrations raised environmental concerns over the years. Fireworks release harmful chemicals and particulates into the air, adding to the worsening air quality that we have. Litter from single-use items during gatherings end up polluting public spaces and water bodies.

Fortunately, technological advancements have developed innovative solutions to mitigate these issues while retaining the tradition year after year.

From eco-friendly fireworks to drone light shows, here are some solutions brought by the latest technology to improve celebrations like the Fourth of July:

Eco-Friendly Fireworks

Traditional fireworks are notorious for releasing harmful chemicals and particulates into the atmosphere. After the show, the surroundings will quickly be covered with smoke from the residue of the fireworks, which could make it difficult for some people to breathe properly.

Noise and debris do not only affect humans but also birds and nocturnal animals near the site of the event.

To provide solutions, some companies have started developing fireworks made from biodegradable materials to reduce waste and pollution. A chemically safer firework that uses cleaner-burning chemicals could lessen its harmful effect on the atmosphere.

Drone Light Shows

Since eco-friendly fireworks could still emit doses of smoke in less amount, another solution was created to fully avoid any pollution. Aside from debris, fireworks contribute to noise pollution due to their loud sound.

These days drone light shows are becoming a popular alternative to traditional fireworks. They can create various visual displays depending on each occasion, making them the perfect way to celebrate a special holiday.

Most importantly, these drones do not emit any harmful chemicals and debris after the show. They are easily the more environmentally friendly option.

Solar-Powered Decorations

Decorations, especially electronic ones, are dependent on the electricity supply. Events like the Fourth of July gather a huge crowd around the country which requires more light on the streets to accommodate them during their festivities.

Organizers can transition to renewable energy sources like solar or wind power to power event activities and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Solar-powered lights and decorations can reduce the carbon footprint of these celebrations.

Smart Waste Management

Technology-driven waste management solutions like smart bins with sensors can encourage people to recycle and dump their trash properly during large events. Organizers can also require businesses to use compostable materials for disposable items that they might sell during the event.

In addition, big events must practice promoting green solutions and encourage more people to understand the current situation of our planet. Conscious planning and consistent reminders could potentially make some changes in people's habits.

Event planners and the government should work together to create a sustainable event that could help reduce the environmental impact of celebrations. Strict guidelines and adherence to policies must be implemented.

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