If you haven't played heard of or played Stray, you should give definitely give it a go. You will get to play a cat lost and trapped in a cyber city, in a period where humans no longer exist and robots are all that remain.
You will explore the city with your bot companion B-12 and meet many characters in order to go back home. Listed below are a couple of things you should know to make an already casual game easier.
1. Try to interact as much as you can.

The main character can do all sorts of cat-like things, like pushing something fragile off the edge or scratching surfaces. However, the most important thing is for you to talk to the robots walking around as much as you can.
They will give you hints to help with your missions or provide insight into the world before. Also, watch out for the robot walking around carrying a dumbbell. You can block their path as they walk and they will actually trip (it's mean, yes, but also kind of funny).
2. Keep an eye out for vending machines.

There are items in the game you can acquire that you will be needing for particular interactions. For instance, you will need energy drinks to trade with the Barterman. You can get those energy drinks from vending machines around the city, as mentioned in Off Gamers, so go explore!
3. Run in zigzags.

Well, you don't have to run in zigzags the entire game, just when the pudgy little Zurks are after you. Zurks are little creatures that will eat anything that moves, and they will definitely try to eat you once you've been seen.
Running in a zigzag manner will help you avoid some of them from clinging to you. Once you play the game, you'll understand the panic once more and more of them jump on you. So, don't be like Rickon Stark. Do the zigzag.
4. Another reason why cats love boxes.

When you've been playing for some time, you'll find yourself hiding from aerial drones soon enough. Fortunately, there are some boxes lying around and you can hide in them when a drone is nearby, as advised by Kotaku. All you have to do is wait until the coast is clear.
5. B-12 is kind of a hint generator.

When you don't know what to do next, you can call on B-12 for guidance. He (it?) will give you hints about where you should go or what you should do. There's no option for you to ask him for a straight-up answer though, so you have to figure the rest out for yourself.
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6. Tassels and arrows are your friends too.

It's easy to get lost in the city, especially since there are a lot of twists and turns. Look out for indications so you'll know where to go. Neon signs usually have arrows on them and they point the right way. Also, tassels on the exhaust fans mean that you can climb them.
7. Exploring is worth it.

It might sound tedious to just walk or run around the city aimlessly. But, doing so will allow you to find memories for the amnesiac robot companion, B-12. It also helps that the visuals in the game are absolutely stunning, so take snapshots while you're at it.