One of the convenient features of Spotify is being able to add to a collection of Liked Songs by tapping on the heart icon. The songs will then be compiled on a playlist you can visit anytime. However, the button will be getting a makeover and an added function.
New 'Like' Icon
Instead of the familiar heart icon, you will now be tapping on a plus icon to add to your Liked Songs playlist. It will still function the same, except that it will now also serve as your "Add to Playlist" button.
Before, you would need to tap on the three dots beside the song you want to add to a playlist, and then select the icon for it. With the added purpose of the plus icon, you can tap it again to add the track to your other playlists aside from Liked Songs.

Aside from using the plus icon to add to your Liked Songs and other playlists, you can also use it to add an entire album to Your Library. You'll know that it has already been added once the plus icon becomes a green check mark.
This goes for any song, podcast, album, or even playlist. This is Spotify's way of making a more intuitive experience, as well as making it easier for its users to engage with the content they like within the app.
It is a more "streamlined way to save favorite music and podcasts," according to Spotify's blog post. It also saves time since users are now able to add to multiple playlists at once. The update is rolling out today and will reach all users in the coming weeks.
More Spotify News
In other news, Spotify is also amping up its user experience regarding recommendations. The music streaming app uses OpenAI's technology for its new "DJ," a personalized AI guide that will study your music taste for it to choose recommendations.
Along with the generative AI from OpenAI, the app will also use its already existing personalization technology, which will provide a lineup of music for you based on you listening history or your likes.
It is also using a dynamic AI voice from Spotify's Sonatic. The voice os trained from a real human voice, particularly Spotify's Head of Cultural Partnerships Xavier "X" Jernigan, who is also the host for the app's morning show "The Get Up."
Along with showing users an overview of what they can expect from the AI-driven DJ, it can also provide information about the music, artists, and genres you are listening to. To make sure that certain playlists or music don't ruin your recommendations, there's a new feature to fix that too.
Spotify has an "Exclude from your Taste Profile" feature that lets you ignore the kind of music you don't want to be recommended to you. For instance, you don't want your chill music to get mixed up with your workout music.
Since your recommendations come from your Taste Profile, you will have more control over what appears in your recommendations, which will now go well with Sporify's new and more streamlined way of adding to your playlists.