With the upcoming Netflix live-action adaptation of "Avatar: The Last Airbender," we can't help but look back on two of the animated series in the franchise, specifically, the kinds of bending that the shows have introduced. Sure, all forms of bending are powerful, but some are just more frightening than others.
1. Bloodbending

Bloodbending was first seen in Book 3 of ATLA ("Avatar: The Last Airbender") when Hama was introduced, but it was only in Book 1 of TLOK ("The Legend of Korra") that fans saw how bad it can really be when Amon practiced it.
In the first show, waterbenders were only able to do it on a full moon, and it required movement as well. Amon, however, under the guidance of his father Yakone, learned how to bloodbend using just his mind, even without the full moon.
This gave Amon and his brother Tarrlok, immense power even over the Avatar. What's worse was that Amon or Noatak's bloodbending was so advanced that he was able to use it to take someone's bending away permanently (which only the Avatar can restore).
2. Bending Lightning

Lightning bending is a subcategory under firebending. It was also first seen in ATLA, wherein the Ozai, Azula, and Iroh were able to do it. It was a rare skill in the first series, so much so that only the three mentioned firebenders had that ability.
Zuko was taught to redirect it, but he never really learned the technique. In TLOK, Mako could easily generate lightning, compared to Azula who had to power up first, as shown in her Agni Kai with Zuko. It's a dangerous power considering that it almost killed Aang.
3. Metalbending

This form of bending is a substyle in earthbending. The art was discovered by Toph Beifong when she was enclosed in a metal box and she wanted to break free. Toph, being the legend that she was, gave birth to Lin Beifong, who commanded a force of metalbenders.
It was more prominent in TLOK, especially since there were more metals around as technology was starting to catch up. The age in ATLA did not yet have that much metal, apart from the Fire Nation which had all sorts of machinery for keeping control.
4. Lavabending

Lavabending is yet another style under earthbending. It's the ability of an earthbender to control molten lava, as well as turn solid rock into molten lava. Avatar Roku used lavabending as well as he tried to save the people on the island where a volcano erupted.
Lavabending was also shown in TLOK. Just like the other subforms of bending like bloodbending and metalbending, it took great skill to be able to do it. Bolin, Mako's brother and a part of Team Avatar was capable of the skill.
5. Airbending

Airbending doesn't seem so scary, especially since they are practiced by monks, who are kind in nature. That changed when TLOK introduced Zaheer, the leader of the Red Lotus and a recent airbender after the Harmonic Convergence.
We first saw the dangers of airbending when he used it to literally take the Earth Queen's breath away. He also tried to do the same to Korra and traumatized her. Since it is the air that they control, it also gives them the power of flight, whether it's with a device or by letting go of their tethers.